I am having trouble getting my broken frame slider "coupling nut" off of the bike so I can put the new frame sliders on.
These are the cycle cat frame sliders, and the bike is an 06 S2R.
The problem is that I can not get a grip on the broken piece with any kind of wrench, and the bolt on the other slider which is still intact is just rotating the entire assembly.
Any ideas?
BTW, the cycle cat sliders did a bang up job of preventing damage to the rest of the bike.
I recently had the same thing happen with my Cycle Cat sliders, but I was able to get the other slider off and push the rod through.
From your pic, it looks like you could get a pair of vise grips on the broken slider and frame (put a piece of cardboard or other kind of padding so you don't scratch your frame) to prevent the assembly from spinning while you take off the other slider. Then it's just a matter of tapping the rod through.