Hey guys,
I've just ordered an integrated LED taillight for my '99 Monster Dark 600, and will perform a tail chop as soon as it arrives. And since I'm going to be chopping up and repainting part of the frame I figured I might as well consider some other cosmetic touch ups whilst I'm at it.
Due to a bit of leaked battery acid the engine (alternator?) cover on the left side of the bike has suffered some fairly ugly corrosion, so I want to repaint the engine covers to freshen up the bike. I've heard VHT paint is pretty good for this. Does anyone have any words of wisdom on doing this?
The bike's frame was also yellow originally and some of the paint on the frame and wheels has flaked/chipped off so I'll touch them up at the same time.
I was also wondering whether it's possible to do anything with the exhaust pipes at the bottom of the bike (which have turned brown/rusty(?))? Is this possible with paint?
Here's a little photoshop mockup of the sort of "freshening up" I'd like to do:
The bike as is:
Its possible future?
Or maybe this?
Any thoughts or opinions on this? Do you like it/not like it? I'm very new to bikes so any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.