Glad I was paying attention

Started by Mash, April 26, 2009, 03:30:18 PM

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so today I'm out riding, through the city at this point, and I come up on lots of oil in the road.  There was a 1 foot wide stream of oil in the left lane, then an actual spin-on oil filter, then more oil crossing over into the right lane.  No way to avoid running through it.  The guy on the bike in front of me, a monster coincidentally, just rode through it without really noticing it.  I saw a trail of oil from both his tires as he went through it.  I, on the other hand, was aware of it, and ready to react should i lose traction, which I didn't.  Glad the other guy didn't go down, too. 
'06 S2R1000


09' 696 Black
94' BRONCO 5.8 EB