Just had an unusual ride last weekend with some weird weather ripping through MI. Once I got the Duc in the garage, I noticed that the fronts of the fork legs were pretty 'blasted by what was blowing across the roads. Ironically, most of the front end didn't sustain the pitting that the forks now show.
So, as I had been considering a more adjustable front end, what would some options be for "bettering" this situation?
Is it possible to have the pitting "turned" to get the finish back to stock, then anodize and revalve? The revalve would likely be the most cost effective, but I am also interested to know more about how to finish the surfaces of the fork legs.
I could opt for the 749/999 or S4/S4r forks, but is this getting me anything more that what I might feel from a fork internal upgrade? I need confirmation to know these would be a direct swap (rather not do the shim / bore trick)
These are the first two things that have crossed my mind. Any thoughts on a fix / upgrade path would be a big help. Thanks.