~~~~~~~NMMR TOSAT~~~~~~~

Started by Scottish, May 17, 2008, 10:03:17 AM

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DucMouse the Mighty

im done, so done!!!

i wana go back home and crawl into bed with my sheep!!!


Copy. Calibration error = humidity, altitude, attitude to tutu, distraction from tutu, stereotype naked rat bikes, human error due to heat, tutu and jealousy!


Quote from: ducmouse on July 16, 2008, 12:05:55 PM
i wana go back home and crawl into bed with my sheep!!!

Are you from West Virginia?

If you love your bike, set it free.
If it comes back to you, you've
probably high-sided.


Quote from: ducmouse on July 16, 2008, 12:05:55 PM
im done, so done!!!

i wana go back home and crawl into bed with my sheep!!!

Mmmmm, Mmmmm, time for some warm lovin'!!!  [evil]

Why isn't Lance all over this?  [roll]

You can thank a soldier today, just click the link...

DucMouse the Mighty

i am toally having one of those day  [laugh] [laugh]

get up early hit the crest....forgot my phone,wallet and pants....

i barley make it to work,hopefully have enough gas to get across the street [laugh] [laugh]

this is totally the way i wanted to start my day....im going to be laughing all day [beer]

Copy. Calibration error = humidity, altitude, attitude to tutu, distraction from tutu, stereotype naked rat bikes, human error due to heat, tutu and jealousy!


Quote from: ducmouse on July 25, 2008, 07:51:35 AM
i am toally having one of those day  [laugh] [laugh]
get up early hit the crest....forgot my phone,wallet and pants....
i barley make it to work,hopefully have enough gas to get across the street [laugh] [laugh]
I want some of that barley you are drinking for breakfast before hitting the crest. hey Mouse stop by with my stuff later! Thanks

DucMouse the Mighty

i will babe!

i'll text ya when i get my phone  [laugh]

Copy. Calibration error = humidity, altitude, attitude to tutu, distraction from tutu, stereotype naked rat bikes, human error due to heat, tutu and jealousy!


Quote from: ducmouse on July 25, 2008, 07:51:35 AM

get up early hit the crest....forgot my phone,wallet and pants....

Forgot your pants?? That must have been one chilly ride this morning...  [coffee]


Quote from: Dusty on July 25, 2008, 09:00:15 AM
Forgot your pants?? That must have been one chilly ride this morning...  [coffee]

LOL, sometimes I do that just for the excitement
If you love your bike, set it free.
If it comes back to you, you've
probably high-sided.

DucMouse the Mighty

Quote from: Dusty on July 25, 2008, 09:00:15 AM
Forgot your pants?? That must have been one chilly ride this morning...  [coffee]

it was perfect! nothing like a nice fresh breeze  [moto]

Quote from: ducducgooseme on July 25, 2008, 11:00:58 AM
LOL, sometimes I do that just for the excitement

feels good doesn't it  ;D

Copy. Calibration error = humidity, altitude, attitude to tutu, distraction from tutu, stereotype naked rat bikes, human error due to heat, tutu and jealousy!



That explains the trail of carnage, multi-car pile-ups, traffic jams, and mass mayhem from town to the top of the Crest this morning!   I heard the helicopters go over my house and wondered what was up.  :o   Just another day in the life of DucMouse.

Pants - don't leave home without 'em!!!

The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Pictures, or it never happened.   [evil] ;D [popcorn]
A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advise.   (Bill Cosby)


Sometimes when you say no, you really mean YES, that is why we have the safe word.. "FLÃœGGÃ...ÆŽNKâˆ,â,¬ÄŒHIÅ'βØL∫ÊN"  If at any time the pleasure is too much, simply say the safe word, and we will stop"

Dirty people say:
"yep.. Ducati makes a fine motorcycle.. If your into all that Crotchrocket Bulls@#t!"


Ummm.....You may want to rethink that??    [leo]

No offense Mousey or DDGM...  :-*

Randimus Maximus

did you guys go bathing in the rio once again?

i swear...weird shit starts happening down there every six months or so  :-\


The Smelly Pirate Hooker