rearsets and high mount exhausts

Started by darkduc7, May 12, 2009, 01:15:11 PM

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hey all, i recently found out that the lucas rearsets and the remus high mounts i bought have clearance problems. anyone have combos that work with the lucas rearsets? i dont want to go out and buy another exhaust and have the same problem ("s" pipe hits back of rearset). the bike is a 2001 M900.
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you could try putting washers/shims/spacers between the rearset and where it bolts to the frame to give you more clearance. how close is the fit?


I had a similar problem with my rizoma rearsets and my zard exhaust on my s2r.
I simply grabbed a ballpin hammer, and carefully dinged the exhaust where i need clearance..
sure it's not the best way of going about it, but i did a nice smooth job, and it looks just fine.
i guess this would depend on just how much of a clearance problem you're having, mine was not too severe.
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well, i need like another inch and a half...and the rearsets are already spaced out 1/2" from the frame...they almost work w/o the spacers, but then i run into the problem of my heel being directly on the pipe! im pretty frustrated, im going to just use my lowmounts and fab up a bracket to hang them. meanwhile, i would like to figure out if there is a high mount exhaust that would definitly jive with the lucas rearsets. [bang]
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