HELP handle bar install!! new holes?

Started by onaboat, May 17, 2008, 06:42:46 PM

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hi, i need help with drilling new holes in the new handle bar, i remember seeing a thread about it on DML but can't find it anymore with the new search feature. any help will be great



another option is to skip the holes.
instead, file off the little nubs with a dremil or similar. then line the placement up on the bars. finally, wrap a couple turns of griptape. presto! done..

i realize this is not for everyone, but it does work ;)
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pigs like it...


assemble everything loose, mark where the holes need to go, then get a center punch to mark your holes.  The center punch will also help make sure the drill bit doesn't wander.  You can then drill a 'pilot' hole, then move to your proper drill bit diameter.


I am with herm on this one, with the tape, those things don't move...!  [thumbsup]


hmmmm, I may need to look into this grip tape thing. I'd like to rotate my stuff a wee bit more fwd, but I don't feel like elongating the holes. [thumbsup]


i kinda figured it out myself, it was fairly easy.... i guess i was too lazy to use my brain  [coffee] but thanks for replying guys, at least there will be a future reference. thanks


electrical tape also works just fine. it's nice and soft, so the plastic digs in.
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