Joe Cariati + Josh Gelfand + Solange Ledwith
Invite You to an Open House Event
a space for glassblowing design, production & learning
Saturday, June 13, 2009
7 p.m. - 11 p.m.
at Revolution Glass Studio in El Segundo
108 Arena Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
too lazy for a tiny URL...
Join us Saturday June 13 for the grand opening of L.A. GLASSWORKS
The hottest new space for glassblowing, studio rentals & classes in Southern California.
We'll have demos and refreshments--
plus some rollerskating glassblowing performance art! Meet glassblowers Josh Gelfand, Joe Cariati and Solange Ledwith, talk to current and former students, and find out about resources and classes.
Come on by and say hello to your peoples. Lots of parking, libations served.