Nice pics JM!
I sometimes have the same issue... I'll slide off the seat and forget about my upper body.
Now that I have a fairing and windscreen, it's easier to get my upper body in line with my hips, because I have a reference point for where my head needs to be... (outside the windscreen)
The only thing I'd suggest is getting off the bike a little more on left handers. In the last two pics, you're leaned over farther to the left, scraping toes, but not knee. On the right turn, you're a little further off the bike, with your left knee closer into the tank, and the bike is a little more upright, giving you more room for error. At least to my untrained eye...
I have the exact opposite problem... I'm further off on the left, than the right. One thing I've been experimenting with lately is draping my outside arm on the tank (relaxed) and pointing my inside elbow the same as my knee. It helps me get my torso in line with my hips a little better. I also try to rotate my hips as well. If I push my outside hip forward and drop my inside hip a little, it's easier (for me) to line everything up. Helps open up to the turn a little more. Just my $0.02 of course...
You look like you're having a frackin' BLAST!!!
Sometimes I really miss my Itty-Bitty Seven Fiddy... It was so light and easy to flick around and carry gobs of cornerspeed on! I surprised a lot of riders on liter bikes with my Little Rosie...
Thanks for the pics!