Forced myself to watch Yes Man on the plane home and had to get right to the end to see the HM. From a Ducatisti point of view it would have been nice if a dry clutch rattle was the noise stopping Jim Carrey from hearing the warnings of the power (or they may have actually said torque) of the high performance Ducati. Unfortunately the ordinary punter would have been complaining about the sound quality ... "there is one point where there is an unusual rattling sound, kinda like a bucket of bolts ...I think my DVD is faulty".
On another note, another movie on the plane which I can't quite remember the title of ... but it had Streetfighter in it so it was hard to resist - the fact it was a Kung Fu movie just added to the attraction
. Anyway the vampish eurasion copper rides an 'old-style' monster with a corse chequered flag tank and it looks like high mount Leo Vince pipe
. The sound quality was not good enough to be certain but I don't remember a distinct Ducati note.