Some statistics you should know before buying a house in Oakland....
SOURCE: to our research there were 788 registered sex offenders living in Oakland, California in early 2007.
The ratio of number of residents in Oakland to the number of sex offenders is 510 to 1.
Full-time Law Enforcement Employees in 2006: 1,009 (688 officers).
Officers per 1,000 residents here: 1.71
US city average: 3.00 crime index (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 320.9)
1999 812.9
2000 706.6
2001 695.6
2002 740.7
2003 734.6
2004 705.9
2005 801.7
2006 969.2
2007 945.9
6.95% of this county's 2006 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2005 ($55,719 average adjusted gross income)