Weird question to ask.
I take it you recently bought a bike that you thought was going to come with aftermarket pipes, but when you picked it up, the stockers were back on? Or are you of the opinion that all bikes should have aftermarket pipes on them?
No I wasn't ripped off or anything. Pretty much option 2 there. Next bike i get is going to have the damn pipes I want already on it.
Buy some pipes. It's only money. Lots of it.
That's what I did - twice. And it was an assload of cash. Hence my current attitude. And yes this is just a thinly disguised rant thread that isn't necessarily totally rational.
Now as I browse used bikes for sale I only consider ones with acceptable pipes already on them. Sometimes I see what looks like a good deal on a nice bike and as I'm checking it out I see the owner has farkled it up but unfathomably has not touched the stock pipes. I'm thinking, 'man what the make the beast with two backs is your problem that you can't put decent pipes on your bike? How do you sleep at night knowing your bike still has the make the beast with two backsing stock pipes on it?' It's beyond me
Cause when my bikes had stock pipes
I DID THE RIGHT, PROPER, AND MANLY COURSE OF ACTION and procured proper aftermarket pipes as soon as humanly possible despite the cost. I did not shirk this
RESPONSIBILITY and try to pass it on to the next owner. So that's where I'm coming from.