look he still is a poof.lets face it he doesnt make the beast with two backs adriana she make the beast with two backss him instead.hes just a kid and im sure its his sooky way of dealing with
defeat.i reckon chris vemulan would make a better ambassador.at least he make the beast with two backss some decent grid girls.as for rossi yes he make the beast with two backss anything.
but hay lets see what happens tomorrow.casey and that other spanish make the beast with two backsknucle lorrenzo have come off......ps im just geeing you lattay
sippers up.
geez pigmy! could you fit anymore "make the beast with two backs" in there? look, the guy rode with a make the beast with two backsED wrist for the last year and a half and managed to win the make the beast with two backsING title, it's obvious to almost everyone that he has some sort of make the beast with two backsING bug, yet even with it he's finished make the beast with two backsING 3rd and make the beast with two backsING 4th in the last two make the beast with two backsING races! for make the beast with two backsS sake, even hayden could only manage 5th on his home make the beast with two backsING track and stoner beat him.
so in short, you have no make the beast with two backsING clue what you're talking about, so shut the make the beast with two backs up!!
p.s whether he make the beast with two backsS adriana or she make the beast with two backsS him is irrelevant, in that instance alone he's a damn sight luckier than you.