In my opinion any one who can ride a motorcyle fast is a legend. I'm not talking about someone who may
think they can ride fast on the road, I mean riders who are consistently fast day in day out. Testing, qualifying and racing in wet and dry conditions. Most of the time through the season they do it injured. And on top of that they are under a constant spot light in particular from the European Press.
The people knocking Casey seem to forget his efforts to keep the Duke on the podium despite throwing up during the race. Did you even watch the race? when he got of the bike he was finished, you could see it.
No other rider has been able to make the bike go as fast as he does. In 2007 all Ducati fans were on the band wagon, yet when he becomes ill, the vultures come out. What makes it really distastfull for me is that this crap is on a Ducati Forum!
Give the guy the benefit of doubt, or if you continue to knock him prove that you can at least ride as fast and get your lap times up to speed.
He will be back and he will go fast, I'm sure faster than any person who is bagging him on the forum. And if it turns out the poor bastard has some long term health problems that doesn't allow him to ride again, either way there will be some humble pie for you pretenders to chow down on!
Wake up and support all racers, in particular those on a Ducati.