El Matador's and Desmolu's most excellent adventure. Writeup Finished!

Started by El Matador, July 19, 2009, 09:42:17 AM

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Quote from: rockaduc on August 22, 2009, 03:21:53 AM
That's b/c you live in a state where your only choices are the train-wreck cowgirls or the pathetic texans. [laugh]
and the Almighty Longhorns  >:(

Respeta mi autoridad!


Quote from: rockaduc on August 22, 2009, 03:21:53 AM
That's b/c you live in a state where your only choices are the train-wreck cowgirls or the pathetic texans. [laugh]

even the MLS teams in TX suck with houston having the edge.

ohh wait, i'm a cowboys fan...SHUT UP YOU JERK!   [cheeky]
Life, alas is very drear. Up with the glass and down with the beer!
Quote from: RB on September 09, 2009, 05:31:47 AM
Seriously, when i am 800years old i want to rock like Lemmy! it is a religion that requires lots of determination, drugs, and Marshall stacks.

now with clavicle of steel (stainless) wrist o' steel (11/2011)

El Matador

Quote from: KnightofNi on August 22, 2009, 09:19:54 AM
even the MLS teams in TX suck with houston having the edge.

ohh wait, i'm a cowboys fan...SHUT UP YOU JERK!   [cheeky]

MLS is a Joke. Futbol just doesn't have enough breaks to make it television friendly in the states. Hence the lack of support.


Quote from: El Matador on August 22, 2009, 08:20:23 PM
MLS is a Joke. Futbol just doesn't have enough breaks to make it television friendly in the states. Hence the lack of support.

stop bullshitting now. it's your turn to post!

El Matador

Now from the moment we left the Dragon, we basically just had a looong, boring, straight ride to Dallas. Since it was to be the hardest part of the trip, we had originally planned to break it up in three days. He-man's oil leak and Delays in getting the bike had delayed our schedule a full day. This left us with a little over 900 miles to do in a day and a half.

It was about 8:30 when we finally got on the  worst make the beast with two backsing highway in America: I-40. The only way I can accurately describe I-40 is basically playing frogger at 90 mph between strung out Semi's that are ALL RUNNING RE-TREADS. Every few hundred yards you would see the carcass of a blown out tyre. Seriously, 95% of the traffic on that highway is composed of Semi's. At one point I thought I was trapped in some greek legend; I-40 was my Hydra and every time that I would pass a Semi, two more would spring in its place.

We had already been riding all day. The physical and psychological toll of riding the Dragon several times was pretty apparent. Also the knowledge that We had to make it to Dallas by the next day was beating on me like a hammer. When you add crazy semis and blowout paranoia, you get the recipe for a killer headache.

I suffer from migraines, but this one was one of the worst I have ever experienced. I made it as far as Nashville before the migraine was inhibiting my eyesight so much that I couldn't go on. Lucrece thought I falling asleep, but when I pulled into the parking lot of the cheapest motel I could find and collapsed on the floor, she knew something was up. I had to spend about 20 minutes lying on the asphalt of the parking lot before the pain was bearable enough that I could walk to where we had to check in.

I had picked a really classy joint. The place was called Knight's Inn, and was 30 dollars a night for the room. I could barely speak, so I just nodded while the receptionist took my ID and Credit Card to process. The whole lobby smelled of stale cigarettes and acetone, and the receptionists nasal tone of voice was forcing a jackhammer through my eye socket. Worse still was the rhythmic smacking of the bubblegum it was chewing, it smiled at me with cigarette stained teeth and fuchsia painted eyes that failed to convey an aura of youth it no longer had. All I could do was stare blankly at it. To it, I'm sure I looked like the rest of the crackheads that stay there for drug induced binges. I contemplated putting it out of it's misery, but the migraine was still going strong, and I didn't have the capacity to do it.

I somehow crawled to the room she assigned us and promptly went into a comatose state, the last thought in my head before it all went black was that it was still 750 miles to Dallas.


You forgot the part where you collapsed on my chest and I petted you, lovingly, to sleep.

Now it is true that Matador did, indeed, pick the classiest of inns. As the daughter of a trucker, I have stayed at my fair share of raunchy highway motels, but this one was particularly seedy. It had been a long time since I'd stayed at a place that charges by the person where the front desk personnel sits behind a locked cage of bullet proof glass.
But, as long as we could get the bike into the room, it would have to do. Matador was certainly hurting. The smell of sweat and exhaust that permeated from his whole body was nothing compared to what lay in his boots. Still, I took them off, lay him down, pumped him full of tylenol and didn't say a word. Now THAT is love.


Quote from: El Matador on August 22, 2009, 08:20:23 PM
MLS is a Joke. Futbol just doesn't have enough breaks to make it television friendly in the states. Hence the lack of support.

i get this argument from the eurosnobs about it all the time.

if there were more support then the league would be able to grow, but without the support, the money isn't there to make the league better and attract the talent like european leagues.
it's also only 16 rs old where other leagues are playing with teams that have been around for 3-4 times that.

ignore the fact that soccer is actually gaining a foothold in this country, turn your nose up at it all you want. i enjoy watching and supporting my home league.
Life, alas is very drear. Up with the glass and down with the beer!
Quote from: RB on September 09, 2009, 05:31:47 AM
Seriously, when i am 800years old i want to rock like Lemmy! it is a religion that requires lots of determination, drugs, and Marshall stacks.

now with clavicle of steel (stainless) wrist o' steel (11/2011)

Porsche Monkey

Jesus I was having some rowdy headaches for a long time. I went to the chiropracter for a shoulder problem and after the x-rays the doc asked if I got headaches. She fixed that too along with my shoulder as it was related. After seeing the clip ons on your 695 it may not be a bad idea to get checked out. I still get an occasional headache but not nearly as bad as before.
Quote from: bobspapa on July 18, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
if I had a vagina...I'd never leave the house


Quote from: Ducaholic on August 23, 2009, 06:46:02 PM
Jesus I was having some rowdy headaches for a long time. I went to the chiropracter for a shoulder problem and after the x-rays the doc asked if I got headaches. She fixed that too along with my shoulder as it was related. After seeing the clip ons on your 695 it may not be a bad idea to get checked out. I still get an occasional headache but not nearly as bad as before.

Thanks for the advice. Having taken over the 695 with the death clipons and doing the DITR run on it, I can feel that pain. However, if you want to understand the source of Matador's migraines, you will have to learn a bit about his ex-girlfriends and meet his mom  [laugh]

El Matador

Quote from: Ducaholic on August 23, 2009, 06:46:02 PM
Jesus I was having some rowdy headaches for a long time. I went to the chiropracter for a shoulder problem and after the x-rays the doc asked if I got headaches. She fixed that too along with my shoulder as it was related. After seeing the clip ons on your 695 it may not be a bad idea to get checked out. I still get an occasional headache but not nearly as bad as before.

I know why I have migraines. I don't sleep. It's always worse when I'm not sleeping. Also fatigue brings them on.

Related to the shoulder thing, I have a shoulder that loves to pop out at the most inopportune moments, Like Valentines day.

[bang] [bang] [bang]

El Matador

Quote from: KnightofNi on August 23, 2009, 05:43:05 AM
i get this argument from the eurosnobs about it all the time.

if there were more support then the league would be able to grow, but without the support, the money isn't there to make the league better and attract the talent like european leagues.
it's also only 16 rs old where other leagues are playing with teams that have been around for 3-4 times that.

ignore the fact that soccer is actually gaining a foothold in this country, turn your nose up at it all you want. i enjoy watching and supporting my home league.

Don't get me wrong, I love the sport and enjoy the fact that it is finally getting some attention in this country, but I think that the MLS doesn't treat the sport like it's supposed to and basically makes it become a laughingstock. Also I think that it will never enjoy the popularity it does in the rest of the world because it just doesn't lend itself to commercialization.


Quote from: El Matador on August 23, 2009, 07:52:19 PM
I know why I have migraines. I don't sleep. It's always worse when I'm not sleeping. Also fatigue brings them on.

Related to the shoulder thing, I have a shoulder that loves to pop out at the most inopportune moments, Like Valentines day.

[bang] [bang] [bang]
I know the pain of Migraines.

I get them at least 3-4 a month.

My Neurologist has me on Topomax, increased my Blood pressure medicine  ( Verapamil ), and I take Maxalt when I get a Migraine.

So far this combination has worked the best of any that has been tired over the years.

I was getting at least 1-2 a month that lasted for 4 days at a time.

I don't know why but 4 days is the number.

Since I've been on the increased dosage of Verapamil I haven't had a 4 day Migraine.

Not sure of all the triggers but sometimes they just come out of the blue.

Dolph      :)       Topamax-100 Mgs. 2 xs a day, Verapamil-30 mgs. 2 xs a day, Maxalt-10 mgs.w, the onset of a Migraine, can be repeated 2 hours later, no more than 3 in 7 days.
'08 Ducati 1098 R    '09 BMW K 1300 GT   '10 BMW S 1000 RR

Shortest sentence...." I am "   Longest sentence ... " I Do "

Porsche Monkey

Quote from: El Matador on August 23, 2009, 07:52:19 PM
I know why I have migraines. I don't sleep. It's always worse when I'm not sleeping. Also fatigue brings them on.

Related to the shoulder thing, I have a shoulder that loves to pop out at the most inopportune moments, Like Valentines day.

[bang] [bang] [bang]

Iv'e got the shoulder popping out thing goin on too.  Usually happens when I have my arm stuffed up a 911s arse with a handfull of tools.   [bang]
Quote from: bobspapa on July 18, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
if I had a vagina...I'd never leave the house


Quote from: DoubleEagle on August 23, 2009, 10:24:41 PM
I know the pain of Migraines.

I get them at least 3-4 a month.

My Neurologist has me on Topomax, increased my Blood pressure medicine  ( Verapamil ), and I take Maxalt when I get a Migraine.

So far this combination has worked the best of any that has been tired over the years.

I was getting at least 1-2 a month that lasted for 4 days at a time.

I don't know why but 4 days is the number.

Since I've been on the increased dosage of Verapamil I haven't had a 4 day Migraine.

Not sure of all the triggers but sometimes they just come out of the blue.

Dolph      :)       Topamax-100 Mgs. 2 xs a day, Verapamil-30 mgs. 2 xs a day, Maxalt-10 mgs.w, the onset of a Migraine, can be repeated 2 hours later, no more than 3 in 7 days.

I dunno man, thats a lot of drugs. Are you sure your doctor isn't trying to kill you? No angry ex-wives that knew your doctor or something?


Quote from: DesmoLu on August 24, 2009, 08:36:53 AM
I dunno man, thats a lot of drugs. Are you sure your doctor isn't trying to kill you? No angry ex-wives that knew your doctor or something?
The Topomax is a Prophylaxis, ( meaning to prevent-Migraines ), the latest from the Neurologists suggests Blood Pressure has a major role in triggering Migraines, thus the Verapamil Blood Pressure medicine ( I have high blood pressure anyway but the dosage has been raised by 20 mgs. a day from my normal dose ),  and the Maxalt is to abort a Migraine if one does happen to just come on ( the Maxalt works about 75% of the time for me ) .

No Ex wives.

Lot's of Ex G/Fs.

Dolph       :)
'08 Ducati 1098 R    '09 BMW K 1300 GT   '10 BMW S 1000 RR

Shortest sentence...." I am "   Longest sentence ... " I Do "