SF Monthly Zeitgeist Meet-up: Thurs, July 30

Started by Spidey, July 23, 2009, 05:17:13 PM

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Quote from: BikerGoddess on July 31, 2009, 06:56:49 PM
Great turnout last night! My sides still hurt from laughing so hard at TCK's foul jokes. Why is it that Mostrobelle and I are the only regularly-attending chicks at this monthly shindig? Are we anomalies or something? I guess you boys have yet to find a way to really gross us out/bore us to death.

Sorry, my work schedule keeps interfering. :-\
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Popeye the Sailor

If the state had not cut funding for the mental institutions, this project could never have happened.


Quote from: bigiain on July 30, 2009, 02:51:22 PM
quarter-to-beer is near enough, right?

big, these are these Z nights you were tellin me 'bout? They've started a sincronous of their own.
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


Quote from: sydmonster on August 01, 2009, 12:19:50 AM
big, these are these Z nights you were tellin me 'bout? They've started a sincronous of their own.

They sure are. We corrupt him whenever we can [evil] We've also corrupted mostro900, ducmonrob, and zee as part of the MOB-Oz Monsters cultural exchange program.
My Vices
'09 1198s,red, (Il Diavolo Rosso
'09 KTM 690 SMC (Thumpy)
'04 Yamaha FZ1, The Blue Cockroach
'01 900SS, custom yellow, (The Bumblebee)
'05 MS4R, blue


Quote from: desmoquattro on August 01, 2009, 07:34:19 AM
They sure are. We corrupt him whenever we can [evil] We've also corrupted mostro900, ducmonrob, and zee as part of the MOB-Oz Monsters cultural exchange program.

We're usually pretty tame when company comes to town. 
94,500 miles...05/22/15


2008 Aprilia Scarabeo 200

Michael Moore

Somehow I don't think Mr. big needs our help in the corruption dept.  ;D
La nuova moto e il vecchio motociclista :: 2000 Monster 900 (il vecchio) :: 2008 Vespa GTS (doppio) :: 2010 Streetfighter S ("il PastaBusa")


Quote from: Michael Moore on August 01, 2009, 04:43:21 PM
Somehow I don't think Mr. big needs our help in the corruption dept.  ;D

If anyone's interested, I could probably dig out the post to the original DML back when it was still a mailing list, where _I_ suggested the first meet up at Zeitgeist...

Anyone _else_ need corrupting?



let's see it!

[bow_down] [bow_down]

Quote from: bigiain on August 02, 2009, 12:11:04 AM
If anyone's interested, I could probably dig out the post to the original DML back when it was still a mailing list, where _I_ suggested the first meet up at Zeitgeist...

Anyone _else_ need corrupting?

'12 1199RS Tigre 6
'12 1198RS Tigre 7
'00 M944S Tigre 1
AFM #5 - Open Twins and more



$1 tamales?  Apparently, this article was written last decade.  It was pretty funny that they mention Ducs at Zeitgeist.
Occasionally AFM #702  My stuff:  The M1000SS, a mashed r6, Vino 125, the Blonde, some rugrats, yuppie cage, child molester van, bourbon.

Michael Moore

Quote from: Spidey on August 02, 2009, 03:10:22 PM
$1 tamales?  Apparently, this article was written last decade.  It was pretty funny that they mention Ducs at Zeitgeist.

Well, it is the Chronicle.  [roll]

Just as apparently, they're going out of business.
La nuova moto e il vecchio motociclista :: 2000 Monster 900 (il vecchio) :: 2008 Vespa GTS (doppio) :: 2010 Streetfighter S ("il PastaBusa")


Quote from: tigre on August 02, 2009, 11:46:34 AM
let's see it!

[bow_down] [bow_down]

I thought it was earlier than '02, but here's the first Zeitgeist meetup post (which refers to an earlier post which I can't find right now...)




Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:08:27 +1100
From: Iain Chalmers <bigiain@mightymedia.com.au>
To: ducatimonster@micapeak.com
Subject: 2 April - Monster Munch at Zietgeist (in San Francisco)
Message-ID: <v04210115b8c4582077db@[]>

OK, so I'll be visiting San Francisco over Easter, and I suggested a
while back that I organise a get together with some San Francisco
Mostros - I've so far seen interest from:

Erin R
Mike A
Michael M
Dr Daffy

I'm thinking Tuesday 2nd.

Hows 7:30-8:00pm ish sound?

Everyone welcome, even only wannabe monster riders (thats everyone
who doesn't already ride one, right?)

The plan is drink, talk about bikes, drink some more, then talk more
bikes (though the agenda hasn't gone to the printers yet, so the
order may change :-)

Zietgeist is on Valencia and Duboce, and looks like this:
<http://www.sonic.net/~wwpints/zeitgeist/exterior.html> (link thanks to Mike)
(Hey, I live 10,000miles away, what am I doing giving directions to locals???)

There's a reasonably recent pic of me here:
(sorry about the long url, and watch the wrapping on it...)

Hope to meet some of you!

(I'm particularly hoping Erin turns up, mostly 'cause I'd like to
meet her, but at least partly because we can all use her spectacular
hair to find each other <GRIN>)


big (Oh yeah, there's most likely going to be some Burningman talk too :-)



Quote from: ghostrider on July 30, 2009, 03:48:19 PM
IN  [drink]
Silly question if anyone is looking, does the Z take plastic or should I have cash.

As you probably figured out already, it's an interesting vibe. Their T-shirts boast warm beer and cold women. Still, for bars with outdoor seating within 3 blocks of Munroe, it's hard to beat.  [moto]


Quote from: ducleaner on August 03, 2009, 03:20:43 PM
As you probably figured out already, it's an interesting vibe. Their T-shirts boast warm beer and cold women. Still, for bars with outdoor seating within 3 blocks of Munroe, it's hard to beat.  [moto]

After visiting Munroe I often need a drink.
My Vices
'09 1198s,red, (Il Diavolo Rosso
'09 KTM 690 SMC (Thumpy)
'04 Yamaha FZ1, The Blue Cockroach
'01 900SS, custom yellow, (The Bumblebee)
'05 MS4R, blue


I'm in for Sept... Had a great time (from what I remember) when I came out 2 years ago. I'll be transiting through on my way to Africa. No uniform this time.
