Greetings From Toronto, Canada

Started by Ducati Diva, July 31, 2009, 03:39:25 AM

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Ducati Diva

Hi Ladies,
I am a Mountie from Toronto Canada. I just bought a 2002 Ducati Monster 620ie. I love this bike! Unfortunately, she is in the shop at this very moment with an undiagnosed electrical problem.

Is anyone from the Toronto area? Actually, I live just west of Toronto. I am looking for a good mechanic. Honest and reliable... is that an oxymoron?

Ride safe... see and be seen... sorry that is the Cop in me.



Hello Heather! Welcome to the ladies room!  :)

I'd try your local board (if you haven't already), DOCTOR, here:

You can also post up your issues in the Tech section and see if anyone there has any advice.

"Youth is wasted on the young." --GB Shaw



I'm a little behind in my reading and just saw this.  I'm in Guelph and I ride a '09 Monster 696.  Sounds like we're neighbors!
The Truth is out There....


Hi Heather!   

Welcome!  Come on out to Colorado if you ever want a change of beautiful scenery!   [moto] 
I have an '04 620 and it's a blast.  Demo'ed the 696 last fall and that was a kick in the pants.
But aren't they all?!    [thumbsup]   

Good luck with the mechanical/electrical issues. Hopefully you can get in plenty of decent rides
before the weather turns. (I'm originally from Michigan so that could be at any moment at this
point in the year, right?!)     ;)

Thanks for doing what you do!   [leo]

Be careful out there!!

(Sorry, I'm milking that from the thread right below this one just for grins. We know you will be.)   ;D
"To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites." ~ Robert Heinlein


Have fun out there and be sure to watch out for cell phone talking SUV driving cagers!

See, I listen too much!

Welcome to the board, so nice to have a ladies room! And these ladies are awesome!  [thumbsup]


Quote from: No_Normale on August 27, 2009, 09:48:46 PM
Have fun out there and be sure to watch out for cell phone talking SUV driving cagers!

See, I listen too much!

Welcome to the board, so nice to have a ladies room! And these ladies are awesome!  [thumbsup]

"To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites." ~ Robert Heinlein


Welcome Ducati Diva!!

I'm not far down the QEW in Buffalo, NY.

Shot me a PM if you every head south.

'01 ST4 Yellow
'02 ST4s Yellow