Penrith so it's a decent hike from my plasce in Castle Hill.
The manage to raise the height without removing the rod which many people have said needed to be done. I guess the nuts weren't locked tight enough so they could do it whilst still in the bike.
Cost $60 all up.
The bike is going back to Frasers hopefully next week if i get time.
i) The fueling hasn't been done correctly when they put the exhaust on.
ii) When the bike is warm and sitting idle (eg at a set of lights for a few minutes), when you open the throttle it nearly stalls and you have to give it a rev to get it ticking over. Once you rev it, the bike is fine.
iii) When i remove the seat, the staples holding the cover on have rubbed against the tank and worn it down to the metal
So i'll be demanding a tank respray and a new seat.
So there are still some issues but at least it handles now LOL.