I do it all the time in downtown Manhattan. NY tickets are absurd, usually around $185. My trick? Take your plate off. They can't ticket you if they don't have it. The parking ass holes don't want to go through the hassle of a vin check and probably don't know where to look for it.
Seriously NY is the worst. I was sleeping in my truck and woke up to a meter maid slapping my wiper down with a ticket under it. I was waiting for an employee to come out of a building. They even write you tickets for things that you didnt do in hope that you will just pat it rather then going through the insane hassle of fighting it.
yeah, that's just dumb luck on your part.
nowadays, if a parking drone comes by, your bike would be towed faster than you can fart. NYPD bought bike trailers for the tow trucks (no more flatbeds for just one bike). they have the trailers at the depot and will just pick it up on their way out.