UPDATE: complete change of opinion (sortof).....
after 4+ months of unanswered emails and interminable phonecalls,
clear alternatives finally re-stocked their warehouse/ supply of ducati taillights....
on my last call, i was handed off to a girl who simply took my name and address, no questions...
4-5 days later a warranty replacement arrived in the mail, no request for a return of the broken unit,
no questions period....!!!
but heres the kicker...
the reason i waited so long for a re-stock....??
theyve re-designed the unit...!!!
a company who actually listens, pays attention, and is interested in improving their product....?!?!?!?!?!?!
as youll see in the pics below, theyve rplaced all of the vibration-breakage prone long, tall and fragile components
with ?? surface mounted devices ?? im no electrician....
OBVIOUSLY much less prone to any vibration induced damages....
very cool...
if theyd only told me that the reason i was waiting so long for a replacement was this,
i'd have had no problem, certainly wouldnt gotten as aggravated or impatient...
heres the NEW clear alternatives board for the monster;
electricians chime in....major improvement ??
looks like it to me, well find out tonight/ this week.....
id be interested to hear exactly WHAT they did to improve this.....
any electrical/ efficiency improvements as well....??