@ herm: I have lived here for a little over a year, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Suggestions/links to interesting reading?
@FreshPants: We just had bacon cheeseburgers last night!
no idea where you can find anything on the web about this...
real quick and dirty.
back when roy romer was gov. there was a big study about whether to widen i-25 or invest in more public transportation (light rail, commuter rail, etc...)
the study took several years, and concluded that if i-25 was widened, by the time the project was done, it would be inadequate for the traffic flow. therefor, the recommendation was to invest in public transportation.
of course, by that time there was a new gov. from the other side of the tracks........and he tossed the study and went ahead with increasing the lanes on i-25.....which took a bunch of years, and looks like it is insufficient for the current flow of traffic.
being from the east coast originally, i am a big fan of public transportation. at the time, i lived in Ft Collins, and would have loved to see a commuter rail down the front range. not only would it have eased congestion on the i-25 corridor, but i think it would have been really good for denver as well.