DIY Painting Tips

Started by ducpainter, January 27, 2008, 08:36:03 AM

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Quote from: 804monster on May 14, 2008, 05:19:14 PM
so you never use a single stage with a flattening agent to do dark jobs?

It can be done that way.

Dust control is always an issue with single my world anyway.
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Quote from: Fresh Pants on May 08, 2008, 02:08:48 PM
And so we have this info somewhere,

Ducati Dark Paint for DIYers.

PPG: 291.500

Color Rite: 7575

(close to matching) PlastiKote(rattle can): GM 7179

I've used the Color Rite (rattle can for a seat cowl) and thus far it's been spot on.

I'm going to be painting a Dark fender soon.  Is the GM 7179 Plasti-Kote gloss or matte finish?  If it's gloss is there a way to make it matte for a better match?  I'd rather spend $5 on a can at the store than $35 to order the Color Rite brand.



Quote from: scott_araujo on May 14, 2008, 06:36:31 PM
I'm going to be painting a Dark fender soon.  Is the GM 7179 Plasti-Kote gloss or matte finish?  If it's gloss is there a way to make it matte for a better match?  I'd rather spend $5 on a can at the store than $35 to order the Color Rite brand.

You could probably hit it with matte clear.

I don't use rattle cans so I don't know about the Plast-Kote.

Color-Rite is ridiculously expensive for the quantity they sell.
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Quote from: ducpainter on May 14, 2008, 04:03:46 PM
I always clear them.

Sometimes I use a pre-mixed flat, and other times I'll custom flatten a gloss.

The problem in trying to add a clear coat to a stock dark is you need to sand to get adhesion, but you can't sand the stock single stage metallic dark without changing the appearance of the metallic.

You will need to paint and clear.

Thanks; ok lots to think about;  this project quickly got religated to the "off season" Dec - Feb.

1Q ... so I understand.  Can I repaint then clear gloss the "Dark" matalic; or is trhere an issue with the metailc in the dark paint?  is is tyher another way to get good adhesion on the dark that i was hoping to save as a part of the history of the bike.
.... all the world is yours.


Quote from: DuciD03 on May 14, 2008, 10:41:08 PM
Thanks; ok lots to think about;  this project quickly got religated to the "off season" Dec - Feb.

1Q ... so I understand.  Can I repaint then clear gloss the "Dark" matalic; or is trhere an issue with the metailc in the dark paint?  is is tyher another way to get good adhesion on the dark that i was hoping to save as a part of the history of the bike.
Any method of obtaining adhesion that eliminates sanding is a compromise.
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Quote from: ducpainter on May 14, 2008, 07:41:14 PM
You could probably hit it with matte clear.

I don't use rattle cans so I don't know about the Plast-Kote.

Color-Rite is ridiculously expensive for the quantity they sell.

Yes, Krylon makes a cheap matte clear and I think there are some others around.  Good to know about the Color-rite before I spent my money on it.



Quote from: scott_araujo on May 15, 2008, 06:30:53 AM
Yes, Krylon makes a cheap matte clear and I think there are some others around.  Good to know about the Color-rite before I spent my money on it.

It will be fine for a fender.

I don't recommend non catalyzed products for tanks.

They just don't hold up.
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"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


You're assuming I'm coordinated enough not to spill gas on my fender ;)


Quote from: scott_araujo on May 15, 2008, 07:33:43 AM
You're assuming I'm coordinated enough not to spill gas on my fender ;)

Coordinated enough?     :-\

I'm pretty sure you know where the filler is.   ;D
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Quote from: DuciD03 on May 15, 2008, 11:29:16 AM
wooff ... lots to consider ... glad i asked ... IF I did sand and clearcoat what grade would you prep with on that black metalic?

.... so it may be easier to paint it black (or that dark ducati blue which I also like) and skip the hastles of the Metalic.   

Also I'de like to get the deep clearcoat finish; how many coats would you put on?

Where you located Ducpainter?  How much time and what would it cost for you to do a quality job as your describing?
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"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


Ok I'll look at your site.  Nice work / examples.

More Q's.... so would you say it would be easier to just paint it black (or that dark ducati blue which I also like) and skip the hastles of the dark metalic?.   

IF I did sand and clearcoat what grade would you prep with on that black metalic?

Also I'd like to get the deep clearcoat finish I notiec you recommended the urithane clcoat; is that the most durable clcoat product out there? how many coats would you put on?
.... all the world is yours.


Quote from: DuciD03 on May 15, 2008, 10:32:43 PM
Ok I'll look at your site.  Nice work / examples.

More Q's.... so would you say it would be easier to just paint it black (or that dark ducati blue which I also like) and skip the hastles of the dark metalic?.   

IF I did sand and clearcoat what grade would you prep with on that black metalic?

Also I'd like to get the deep clearcoat finish I notiec you recommended the urithane clcoat; is that the most durable clcoat product out there? how many coats would you put on?
There are as many different 'right' ways to do it as there are painters.

My experience with darks is there isn't much paint on them from the what I would do is...

Clean with a wax and grease remover, thoroughly sand with 400 dry but try not to sand through to metal, reclean with a post sanding cleaner, seal with an activated sealer, color, and clear. Activated urethane clear is about the best you can use for automotive/moto use. Use whatever color you's the same amount of work.

I normally use at least 3 coats...depending on just how nice you want it you can sand the clear and re-clear.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
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"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


ride on brother  [moto] ... thanks for answering all the q's ... and sharing your wisdome is appreciated.

Yes; the factory Dark is applied thin, on a white primer base, Ducati should be a little more concientious of how this holds up over time ...

I'm thniking the full on gloss would be a nice touch, your professional opinion?

.... all the world is yours.


Quote from: DuciD03 on May 16, 2008, 11:00:33 AM
ride on brother  [moto] ... thanks for answering all the q's ... and sharing your wisdome is appreciated.

Yes; the factory Dark is applied thin, on a white primer base, Ducati should be a little more concientious of how this holds up over time ...

I'm thniking the full on gloss would be a nice touch, your professional opinion?

The question of gloss is a personal not professional opinion.

I prefer gloss.  It shows everything. The beauty and the beast...if you will.

I'll tell you up front Ducati paints those tanks low gloss for a reason.

They take a fair amount of surfacing to look good glossy.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


ha-haaaaaaaa!  Thanks for the professional opinion re: gloss [cheeky]

Gloss shows her beauty  by letting the sunlight reflect and caressing her curves ....
.... all the world is yours.