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Started by melvin, May 23, 2008, 11:39:58 AM

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Rob, jesse was very lucky, staffy's usually go for the front legs and break them in their jaws so the other dog has trouble moving, then they just go for the throat and tear that out.

Sorry to hear what happened, just keep asking for that bill to be paid, I'm sure Jesse will make a full and speedy recovery.

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


Sorry to hear that melvin. The owness is solely on the owners.
Please do not make it about the DOG. I have a Staffy, he is my second, They are without doubt the most gentle dog when looked after, brought up and SOCIALISED properly. My Boy is 30kg and about 300mm off the ground, thats alot of muscle, he has been properly trained and socialised. Without doubt the best dog I have owned. I also question the "Staffy" tag, Pure bred and a dog with Staffy in it can be totally different. Your right the other dog should have been on a lead. Shame on the owners, make them pay, its the only way some people understand.
I hope they don't take it out on the dog!
My $0.02
'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


Quote from: melvin on May 23, 2008, 04:16:55 PM
that is what has happened. and a simple thing like keeping a dog on a leash 24/7 would prevent it. i'm of an opinion that it's always owners fault; it starts with bad upbringing and later on only escalates

sorry to see your pal in the wars, hope she gets better soon.
i have to ask though, was your dog on a leash?
by the way, i own two staffs and i consider myself a responsible pet owner, and mine are always on a leash outside my yard as common sense dictates. yes, they are powerful, and yes they usually dislike other dogs, but i agree with others who have said that the owners are the ones ultimately responsible, regardless of the breed they own.
again, i hope jessie gets well soon.

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...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


Quote from: tricolore on May 24, 2008, 05:16:32 AM

Please do not make it about the DOG

it always is the owner who creates a monster for whatever reasons. i've had dogs all my life; gigantic cane corso, int show winning alsatian, hunting dogs and now this "double trouble"
i know the "dog world" rather well and it's never about the dog

hey, i know that all staffs are not bad.................jessies and their best mate


'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


first walk..............looking good, feeling better  [thumbsup]   


Its the Humans that suck!!!!! >:(

Onya Jess. [thumbsup]

As the local vet says, humans bring their "PETS" in for euthanasia just because they are going on holidays. That just pisses me off big time!!! :o
What are these "adults" teaching their kids about responsible pet ownership for example?? :'(
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


guys, wondering what advice you can give me?

tried to get in touch with the owners of the other dog - they're not picking up the phone nor replying to messages. i can see why; the vet's bill is $1.600

now, what should i do in order to recover my money?
so far i've filled the report with city council, i know their first names and the mobile numbers

should i encounter a total lack of cooperation on their part, how do i go about taking them to court? any ducati-riding lawyers out there?  ;)

Super T.I.B

Quote from: melvin on May 27, 2008, 06:55:10 PM
guys, wondering what advice you can give me?

trying to get in touch with the owners of the other dog - they're not picking up the phone nor replying to messages. i can see why; the vet's bill is $1.600

now, what should i do in order to recover my money?
so far i've filled the report with city council, i know their first names and the mobile numbers

should i encounter a total lack of cooperation on their part, how do i go about taking them to court? any ducati-riding lawyers out there?  ;)

Find out where they live and show up on their doorstep..slap them with the bill or a wet fish...whatever makes you feel better. ;)


You can use a debt collector!! They will usually operate on a percentage of the sum your after!! And of course, can and will sue for the monies and could even bankrupt the turds in the process. Heh, heh, heh. ;D

Remember a wise man once said. "Dont get mad, get even!!" [evil]

Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


been in a somewhat similar situation myself, so I can relate to your anguish.
What you may need to do is proceed to a Civil law suit.
Engage a lawyer/solicitor to write a letter to the owners of the other dog (they will have the resources to find out where they live and usually have it hand delivered to them by a sheriif - yes, we have sheriffs in Australia). this will probably cost a few hundred dollars.
Usually, the mere threat of legal action is enough to get people to come good with the money.
If they decide to call your hand, you will need to decide whether you want to proceed with legal action. This may mean going to court.
First step is to make a call to a solicitor. They can advise on the best course of action. Then its up to you to decide.


hey, pepsduc, a voice from the past!!! good to hear from you again, joe

as to your advice:
well, the owners did call me yesterday and arranged the meeting for today; they're offering to cover half of the vet's bill which is $800
now i don't necessarily agree with it but i did look into other options since posting the question
i can write a letter of demand and if this remains unanswered i can start the court proceedings which will costs $65. however, it will take forever, was told that 6 mths is a minimum wait before the case could be heard. if they won't appear, it will be postponed an so on and so on. it can drag forever and the reality is that i will be effectively chasing only $800 because that's the difference between accepting they offer and going to court
so i've decided to accept it, cut my losses and forget it. it's not worth my effort

what will also happen is that the owners will be dealing with city council because i did report the accident and the council is sending a ranger over to my place today to take pictures of the injured dog and take my statement. they need this to prosecute the owners as well as put their dog on the dangers dog list for the future references.
someone asked if my dog was on the leash @ the time? no, it was not but also it was an "off leash time" in the park. however, under the animals companion act the owner of the dog is fully responsible for dog's action. if the injured dog was on leash or off leash it does not matter - attacking another dog is unacceptable under no circumstances. period. that's what i was told during conversation when i described what has happened and the circumstances leading to the attack. hence the council decision to prosecute
so that's how it looks like at the moment


I think it is a compromise to accept the offer. If Jessie was a little girl would you accept half the hospital costs.

Not likely.

Sorry your honor I didn’t know my killer breed dog would attack???
I bought him to fetch a stick and play in the park.

IMO you buy a weapon for its intended purpose. Not to play in the park with.

If I do not secure my fire arms apropriatly, and they are used in a murder or in any other illegal activity I am held responsible.

This guy should be held accountable for his weapon.

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: dragonworld on May 27, 2008, 07:07:59 PM
You can use a debt collector!! They will usually operate on a percentage of the sum your after!! And of course, can and will sue for the monies and could even bankrupt the turds in the process. Heh, heh, heh. ;D

Remember a wise man once said. "Dont get mad, get even!!" [evil]

Another wise man said before going on a pilgrimage of revenge be sure to dig 2 graves ???
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !