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Started by melvin, May 23, 2008, 11:39:58 AM

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What to do in this situation is very much a personal thing.  Do you want to put it all behind you and move on, or do you want to exact some sort of fairness and justice.  A hard one. 

Yes there are so many analogies one can draw.  But at the end of the day make a decision on this case, and on what you want out of the process. 

We are all somewhat removed and so our opinions are easy to give and are all offered to help.

For what it is worth I would meet the owners tell them that it is my expectation that they cover 100% of the bills and gauge their reaction.  I would explain to them about not wanting to go through the hassle of recoveries etc.  At the end of the day if they are totally unreasonable I would take the $400 and leave it alone.

Let the council deal with the other issues...

Anyway I hope I am not out of line with my opinion ...  I am just glad you lovely Jesse is on the mend.

She looks so much better.




look, vince, i see your point and totally agree with it

but the reality is that it will take for ever and ever. and should i eventually have my day in court all i will receive is a court order for the owners of the dog to pay for my vet's bill which was $1.600, as that will be a nature of my civil case
it won't end with a penalty or criminal record for the owners. all what will happen is that they will get a court order to pay the money. now that in itself also presents problems; they're a couple of young people. they may say that their income are too small to pay a lump sum and they will offer to pay an  x  amount monthly. it will never end. there might be never ending excuses

from the financial standpoint i rather take the $800 and write off the rest
as to punishment for what has happened? i'm happy with council prosecuting them. it's a government institution so they will never stop until they will get their way. let them do their thing


It's a very hard decision Rob, whatever happens you know you will what is right for you.
I totally understand about taking what has been offered and leaving the council and it's departments to take care of the rest.
At least this way there will be some sort of legal action that concerns you but does not consume you.
You may have to go to court in the future but it would just be as the owner and witness instead of still looking for your costs to be recovered.

Knowing you as I have come of late this is what is best for you, getting it sorted and done asap then focusing on healing Jessie Jnr.



Quote from: mattyvas on May 29, 2008, 04:25:39 PM

At least this way there will be some sort of legal action that concerns you but does not consume you.

this is very well put, matty
in essence, that is what will satisfy me. i will recover part of my money and some sort of justice will hopefully happen

Big T

Quote from: melvin on May 29, 2008, 05:35:16 PM
in essence, that is what will satisfy me. i will recover part of my money and some sort of justice will hopefully happen

I had something like this happen to me many years ago and did the same as you (and as Matty put it). Got what I could for the least amount of stress. After all we have enough sh...t happening in our lives  [bang] with out adding to it. Then you can focus your attentions on Jessie and her recovery........ Great to see her first walk....  [thumbsup]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Quote from: melvin on May 29, 2008, 03:10:53 PM
hey, pepsduc, a voice from the past!!! good to hear from you again, joe

Yes Rob, it has been a while, thats for sure! :(
my very bad. been meaning to maintain contact with everyone (have very fond memories of my visit to Sydney), but life has been leading me all over the place lately!

I do hope this siuation resolves itself soon and that you can put it behind you and move on. It is very disappointing when the actions/irresponsibilities of others affect us when we are just trying to mind our own business and live our lives. Unfortuneately this is the price we pay for living in a society, full of people from all different walks of life and with different morales and agendas.

I tend to agree with the general consensus here. half of something is better than all of nothing. If closure is what you're after, than accepting the $800 and being greatful Jessie is still alive may be your preferred resolution :)

There are always the old sayings....... 'what goes around comes around', 'the circle of karma', etc, etc.

I do wish a speedy recovery to little Jessie.


Quote from: Big T on May 29, 2008, 05:44:16 PM

Then you can focus your attentions on Jessie and her recovery........ Great to see her first walk....  [thumbsup]

thanks for your kind words as well as sharing your point of view, which is similar to mine
.....indeed she is recovering extremely well, positive changes are taking place daily  [thumbsup]


well, the city rangers have just left
they've taken my official statement, took pictures of jessie, copy of the vet's bill, cd with my photo-documentation of the extent of her injuries. what happens now is they will take the statement from the other party and than issue them with a penalty as well as with issue a "dangerous dog" notice on their dog. what it means that the dog will have to be on the leash 24/7 no exceptions, wear the muzzle at all times and possibly have a cage built inside the house
should they contest the penalties, i might have to go to court as a witness for the city council
all i want is to get the offered half of my bill and forget about it.............jessie seemed to forgot already. she is so much better now
however, she is extremely timid now and afraid of her own shadow but hopefully it will vanish at least partially as the times go by


I'm sure if you keep her in her normal social circle it will help to get her back to normal.

Super T.I.B

Good to hear Melvin, she will be fine in a few weeks or so.

I've got a broken toe and I can walk normally now, healing just in time for my baby on Thursday. [thumbsup]

As if you didn't know I had a bad case of TOE JAM!  [puke]


Not much more for me to say that has not already been said. I tend to agree with Mattys take on it as well , for what its worth..

I just wanted to add that the last pic you posted up show so much improvement, that's so good to see  [thumbsup]


Quote from: Dockstrada on May 29, 2008, 03:32:04 PM
I think it is a compromise to accept the offer. If Jessie was a little girl would you accept half the hospital costs.

Not likely.

Sorry your honor I didn’t know my killer breed dog would attack???
I bought him to fetch a stick and play in the park.

IMO you buy a weapon for its intended purpose. Not to play in the park with.

If I do not secure my fire arms apropriatly, and they are used in a murder or in any other illegal activity I am held responsible.

This guy should be held accountable for his weapon.

what over emotional, uneducated completely over the top CRAP!!!!
staffordshire bull terriers are not a killer breed, we (the majority of staff owners) do NOT own these dogs to look tough, eat the neighbours pets or bet on at fights. if you had any contact with a staffy you would know they are the softest, kindest and most loyal dogs. just like any other owner will say about their particular favourite breed.
my pair are socialised and trained and i take them to the park, but, i am a responsible owner and i respect the nature of my pets and keep them on a leash outside the yard.
in short, this issue is about an irresponsible owner and not about the breed of the dog. keep your out of context sensationalist tabloid style comments to yourself.  >:(
and melvin, good to see jessie is on the mend. [thumbsup]


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