All very interesting and not what was expecting. Which I great. I'm learning alot here. I suppose my upgrades mods cover alot of what u have all said.
Only early days but I think I have followed some of the common obvious mods.
1. Day 1. Full termi cf pipes. To improve power around the dip at 4500rpm. The louder sound was more of a poser addition but the safety of being heard evens out the ego.
2. 250km. Bar end mirrors. These were purchased cause I hated the bug eyed attennaes. Turns out the convexed mirror give better vision too. Win win.
3. 400km. Comp werkes eliminator. For obvious reasons.
Oh and with my nice little win on the storm tonight the next thing may be comming a little sooner. Yeeehaaa!!!
4. At 1st service in about 2 weeks. 14T front sprocket. Performance reasons purely. I do alot of city slow riding so this should help with the low end power.
Next. Hmmmm who knows. Perhaps the combined led brake/indicator.
So I suppose most of my mods are for performance and or safety. Well that's my protest and I'm sticking to it. See step 2 in rehab manual.