Group Ride: Sedona -- Saturday, October 24th (morning)

Started by Michael, October 08, 2009, 12:27:08 PM

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Saturday, October 24th, 2009
Waffle House (I-17 & Deer Valley Rd. -- S/W corner)
6:00am meet
7:00am kickstands up

Vote on a route.

The criteria for this trip:
- Go through Prescott, Jerome, and Sedona
- Stay around 300 miles total trip distance

1: Wickenburg - Prescott - Jerome - Sedona -- 275 miles
Click on image for Google map

2: Prescott - Jerome - Sedona - Payson -- 300 miles
Click on image for Google map

3: Wickenburg - Prescott - Jerome - Sedona - Flagstaff -- 325 miles
Click on image for Google map

4: Prescott - Jerome - Sedona - Flagstaff -- 300 miles
Click on image for Google map


grandpa nate

will ask ball and...i mean my wife.  sounds like fun



I'm excited for this ride. It's going to be awesome.



(multi-voice chorus) "How awesome is it?"

(Let the "It's so awesome..." jokes begin...)



It's so awesome that when it sits around the house, it sits AROUND the house.


It's so awesome, that another ride was going to receive an award for it but Kanye West jumped in and said...
"You've got an awesome ride, and I'ma let you finish... but the Group Ride to Sedona on October 24 is the AWESOMEST ride of all time!!!"


It's so awesome, people from the future heard about it and traveled back in time just to see how awesome it was.
Men face reality and women don't. That's why men need to drink. -George Christopher


This ride will be so awesome ...

There is no chin behind this ride's beard. There is only another fist.

If you have five dollars and this ride has five dollars, this ride has more money than you.

This ride can sneeze with its eyes open.

This ride can kill two stones with one bird.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for this ride.

This ride doesn't read books. It stares them down until it gets the information it wants.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures this ride has allowed to live.

Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with this ride.

This ride does not sleep. It waits.

This ride is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

This ride counted to infinity - twice.

When this ride does a pushup, it isn't lifting itself up, it's pushing the Earth down.

This ride's hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

This ride can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

This ride doesn't wear a watch, IT decides what time it is.

This ride can slam a revolving door.

This ride does not get frostbite; this ride bites frost.


"I'm really busy with something not important."


As a precaution I think this ride should be buried in a time capsule before it even begins just to ensure we capture how awesome it actually is....



Chuck Norris facts?   You are nuts!   Anyway, I thought Bruce Lee killed him a long time ago?
"I'm really busy with something not important."


Quote from: DG on October 16, 2009, 12:20:08 PM
Chuck Norris facts?   You are nuts!   Anyway, I thought Bruce Lee killed him a long time ago?

Clearly you didn't read any of the facts. [roll]

OT: I bet in real life Bruce Lee would beat Chuck Norris; although, Tony Jaa would beat 'em all.

Anyway, back on topic ...

So we have four guys confirmed, does that mean guys and girlfriends? ... Hoyden?

It looks like route #1 is in the lead, and I think that's our best route, but I bet we're open to persuasion, or at least discussion, if someone feels strongly one way or the other.