I think most of the aftermarket headers drop straight down from the headers and run under the motor. Someone else chime in if I am wrong, but I seem to recall something about the older Termi/DP header routing interferred with the oil filter and the front header had to be dropped to change the filter. That seems like it would be a pain in the ass if you change your own and a reason for the shop to charge another 30min of labor if they do it.
My opinion, I like the routing. It cleans up the profile view of the bottom of the motor. Hides the junk that hangs out the bottom. What, you want more of my opinion? OK. They look better with a belly pan. Although, you have to cut the hell out of the pan to get it to fit and not touch the header.
(seems like a good time to insert the "Opinions are like assholes" quote. Tis true that everyone has one, and all but mine stink!)Termi headers with belly pan. No subliminal messaging embedded, so hate if you want.