bad non-male drivers - name chage to protect the innocent- w/ new pics

Started by silentbob, October 16, 2009, 09:28:13 PM

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RC Fan

Quote from: Obsessed? on October 17, 2009, 09:34:37 PM
For filing so many claims in such a short time, he was classified as "high risk" and dropped. He's a tea-totaler with a PhD in accounting. He's not what I would call a "risk taker."

As someone who works in the insurance industry, I can tell you there is a lot of crap that makes no sense.  Especially now that that some companies have started using your credit score as an indication of how good a driver you are.  Some companies are also using risk modeling, which is similarly ridiculous.

Previous bikes:  2007 Suzuki Bandit 650S & 2009 Ducati Monster 696
Current bikes:  2009 Yamaha XT250 & 2012 Triumph Street Triple R


when an insurance company refers to high risk, they are talking about the risk of lower profits.
nothing more.
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pigs like it...


For the sake of this discussion, could we describe (as a gross generality) male drivers as more reckless and females as more careless?

Except for those who've quoted statistics, most of the posts here ae based on our individual experiences and perceptions.

In my experience, btw, women riders seem as capable as men. There are less distractions when you're on a bike and a greater imperative to focus.

Just my opinion...
Nobody said that I did. Everyone says that I would.


Quote from: Ivan V on October 17, 2009, 12:46:35 AM
Ohhh noooo that is horrible!

How did it happen?
Is that poor 848 totaled now?
Is it yours?

The bike is not mine but I was riding it.  I parked it and when I came back it was lying on its side.  Two witnesses came over and gave me a description of the driver, her plate number, and their contact info.  One of the witnesses said he was almost run over as she tried to flee the scene.  I called the cops and waited.  About a half hour later this girl approached me and said "I'm sorry.  I came back.  Do you want my information?".  I told her to give it to the police who would be there momentarily.  She started crying and said "But I didn't do it."  I said "You are sorry, you returned to the scene, you want to pay for the bike, but you didn't do it?  Well, you did do it and I have witnesses that saw you do it."  The police arrived and took a statement and told me she would like to settle it without insurance.  I called her with the estimate from the motorcycle shop (just under $8000) and she asked me to call her husband.  I called him six times over three days and he kept ducking my calls.  So, I went through her insurance.  She ended up fighting it and USAA insurance told me that they would side with her over my witnesses.  But, they were waiting for a phone call from the officer at the scene before they determine liability.  The following week USAA called me to say that they were going to pay for the damage.

Most of the cost is in replacing the engine cases.  They only come as a matched set from Ducati for the low price of $2800 and EVERYTHING (frame, swingarm, cylinders, side covers, clutch, alternator, etc.) needs to be removed to replace them.


Quote from: nicrosato on October 18, 2009, 08:27:33 AM
For the sake of this discussion, could we describe (as a gross generality) male drivers as more reckless and females as more careless?

Except for those who've quoted statistics, most of the posts here ae based on our individual experiences and perceptions.

In my experience, btw, women riders seem as capable as men. There are less distractions when you're on a bike and a greater imperative to focus.

Just my opinion...

I would say that that fits with my experience as well.

I think that, if anything, female moto riders are probably significantly safer riders than men. Given the same riding skill level, I perceive men as being much more likely to do something really stupid.
Quote from: Jester on April 11, 2013, 07:29:35 AM
I can't wait until Marquez gets on his level and makes Jorge trip on his tampon string. 


Quote from: ROBsS4R on October 17, 2009, 01:27:10 AM
So why is Insurance historically cheaper for women than men?

Based upon information provided by consumers in the first half of 2008, reports that 68% of women have no traffic violations versus 64% of men.

Of those reporting violations, 30% of women have 1â€"3 traffic violations versus 33% of men, and 2% of women have 4+ traffic violations versus 3% of men.

The Official Numbers
According to TrafficSTATS, a risk analysis study by Carnegie Mellon for AAA in 2007, men have a 77% higher risk of dying in an accident compared to women. The study, using information from both the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Household Travel Survey estimated fatalities per 100 million trips to be 14.61 for men and 6.53 for women. The total number of fatalities between 1999 and 2005 were 175,094 for men and 82,371 women.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 14,512 male drivers died in 2007 compared to 5,865 female drivers, and even though there tend to be more male drivers on the road than females, the numbers strongly support the TrafficSTATS report.


when you and the woman hop in the car to go somewhere, who drives?

women drive less, so they receive fewer tickets.

if it was examined as miles driven per ticket received, between the genders, I bet women would get fewer miles per ticket.

horrible joke time:

why couldn't hellen keller drive?

because she was a woman!!!

sorry in advance,.


I always thought it was because she was a raging communist.
Quote from: Jester on April 11, 2013, 07:29:35 AM
I can't wait until Marquez gets on his level and makes Jorge trip on his tampon string. 


I get driven around my my co-workers a lot, either for lunch or because I'm traveling for work.

If I had to make any kind of generalization it would be that engineers tend to make better drivers and scientists tend to make worse drivers.

The worst of them is a guy, he gets very distracted while driving and routinely stops across railroad tracks while waiting for a light, and thinks nothing of peeling out into a lane without checking for traffic.   My former boss once ran a red light at a major intersection while a few of us were in the car, and didn't even realize he had done it as he was too busy chatting.  I really try to avoid being in a car with either one of them.

The times I have been in accidents in my car:
- rear-ended, driver was 30-something male, we were merging into traffic and he was watching the traffic instead of what was in front of him
- rear-ended, driver was 16yo male on his way to school with his girlfriend in the car, I had been sitting at a light for a little while
- front-ended, driver was elderly male, didn't want to be in the Fastrak lane for the tollbooth on the bridge, didn't look behind him or listen to my honking when he decided to back up, luckily no damage
- rear-ended, driver was 50-something male, he passed out due to medication and ran into me, I had been sitting at a light for a little while
- rear-ended, driver was 40-something female, reading a newspaper while driving in stop and go traffic (I saw her reading in my mirror but we were on a ramp so there was nowhere I could go).

Fortunately both MrI and I consider each other to be a good driver, I think bad driving would have been a deal-breaker for either one of us.  He trusts me enough to sleep like a baby while I flog it through the twisties. ;) ;D
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ever notice how women never think they are bad drivers?


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Most people "think" they are good drivers.
“Woohoohoohoo! Two personal records! For breath holding and number of sharks shot in the frickin\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

red baron

Quote from: kopfjäger on October 18, 2009, 05:09:07 PM
Most people "think" they are good drivers.

I'm a bad driver and admit it freely. ;D
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations... James Madison


Not that I know this for a fact but it seems to me here in DFW/TX that more women text while driving than men. Not that men don't do it but my personal observation is that a majority of women text and talk on cell phones more than men while driving. It irritates the s#@t out me because in my world driving should be your number one concern. Driving is not a secondary activity!

I guess it really doesn't matter to me what the gender is... get off the damn phone while driving!! I refuse to even answer my phone while driving or even make a call. No phone call is that damn important! I have even been called a freak for not using my phone while driving. My response is I'd rather be a freak to you than someone who just ran a stop sign, crashed my car and killed a young mother and her two kids while I was talking to your sorry ass on my cell phone! >:( It needs to be a law in every state that you cannot talk or text while driving. It's no different than driving while drunk... they are both major distractions!


How often do you hear of accident where a man was combing his hair, painting his nails, putting makeup on his face... Okay other than the SF Bay Area that is  ;D
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