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[Melb] Sat 31st May ride

Started by Spider, May 26, 2008, 04:15:24 AM

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Yep, nice ride today today, thanks guys  [thumbsup] I've never actually ridden in fog like that before, I have the feeling back in my fingers now. Is that classed as an icicle ride?

Now that I've got the most out of the rear tyre, I have a new one going on tomorrow. I'ts a pity the belts started to show though, it's still got some meat left on the edges  ;D

Hey P2e, what bike are you picking up next week?


Hey guys glad you had a good day.
Got any snaps of those who turned up?

We had 13 then 10 then 9 to finish.
No fog for most of us and pretty warm considering it's officially winter tomorrow.


MadAlf took a couple of pics of the 3 bikes that turned up, so hopefully he'll get them up soon. We bumped into another 2 S4R's out the front of the bakery in Healsville, should have got a photo then.

Sorry, no pics of us. We were a bit shy today, plus the lighting wasn't quite right.....


Quote from: DosVerde on May 31, 2008, 04:22:50 AM
Hey P2e, what bike are you picking up next week?

Picking meself up a full Termied HM-S... sorry to spoil the monsteristas about us, but I just couldn't get over the looks of these babies. Dunno bout the practicality, but we'll see how it goes.  [cheeky]

Of course, 2nd choice woulda been an S4R, but am a bit tired of owning the 'old style' wheels after having owned them on a MTS, and also finding the looks of a monster a bit dated (mind you I still prefer the classic looks of monster Mk.I  over the Mk.II: 696)... Besides I already got a chance to own a M620 in the past and loved it.

If budget permitted I woulda been even more stoked bout grabbing a 2nd-hand S4RS, but when the requirement is inclusion of aurgasmic Termis well the cost analysis of new vs 2nd just goes out the window...

I still can't get over how cheap some S4Rs are going for at the moment... what's with the sudden depreciation? Don't say 696 cos that don't make sense.


Quote from: ptooey on May 31, 2008, 08:32:47 AM
I still can't get over how cheap some S4Rs are going for at the moment... what's with the sudden depreciation? Don't say 696 cos that don't make sense.

I'd have to go with 1098.  I think that is where all the S4RS riders are going (no proof mind you).

I have a mate looking for a S2R 1000 and there are NONE around so seems limited to those water cooled thingies.
Believe post content at your own risk.


My 2c's on the S4RS price is that although a beast to ride, grunt, noise with pipes and tuning.
There range is limiting, when out on the weekend the two riders on S4R(S) were concerned about fuel stops.
Where as the "normal" range of a monster isn't great giving somewhere between 200-240 depending on riding style.
A hard ridden SR4(s) can sometime be looking for fuel at 140..... That's not a long time between drinks.

Maybe it's not a real reason to sell or for the sudden price drop but it's something to think about.
There is one up here at Flywheels, they are looking for around 19K it has 12-13 thou on the clock I think and a set of Zards with other goodies.
And it's only an 06 model, guy traded it for a ZX10 Kwaka.

Could it really be a reason? 


Hello Guy.
Excuse the delay getting the photo up, had to suss out the hosting issue.

Anyway, a great ride 270klm round trip for me. Met up with Spider and Dos at Yarra Glenn. I now why they call him Spider and checked out Dos' shortie...exhaust that is!

Melba to Toolangi, down hill way on Chumb Creek Rd, Morning stop at Healsville. Then off to Yea via Alexandra....minus a few degC, and vis after Buxton. Pitstop for bikes and owners at Alex.....brrrrrrr. Spider informed us below 8 DegC.
Defrosted at Maralades in Yea, highly reccomend the huge pies and sausage rolls. Do forget to say "Hi" to the cat.

Home via the usual path, Flowerdale, Kinglake, etc.
Bikes ran perfect, Donations to the Dos rear tyre fund most welcome.


nice shot Alf !

that header and pipes of mine have to get ceramic coated - tarnish is SO 1990's !

and thanks for waiting boys  :)



Quote from: bazz20 on June 02, 2008, 02:06:55 AM
[clap] yay 2 valves rule [moto]

nothing wrong with a 4 valve either - just cause it looks like your engine made love with a refridgerator !

;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Spider on June 02, 2008, 02:24:34 AM
nothing wrong with a 4 valve either - just cause it looks like your engine made love with a refridgerator !

;D ;D ;D
[laugh] [laugh]i heard there was a plumbing shotage in italy when they released ths s4r  [cheeky] [moto]


Snap up the cheap S4R's guys, they are going to be collectors pieces one day. You'll be able to say It's the last of the f-f-f-f four valvers... - unfortunatley by then I'll be running it on spud juice  :P

At least if P2e comes along on the next ride on his HyperMotard, the S4R won't be the 1st one sniffing out petrol stations .... or will it ???

Big T

Hey DosVerde I take it the Titanium S4R is yours?????

First one I have seem out and about other than mine...........

Post more pics please to see the beast.....  [moto]

PS: Yep I'm with on the fuel stop thingy....... Sucks...... 160km down hill with a tail wind and looking for gas.....
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Big....Dos has taken extreme steps to lighten his bike - he has absolutely nothing left on his rear tyre!

the white radial belts where showing through 10km from home, I was shocked!

I'm always up for a stop anyway so riding with the 4s ain't a big deal....who wants to sit on the thing for 300km anyway...sure would be nice for not every stop to be a servo...but no biggie.


Quote from: Big T on June 02, 2008, 04:15:47 AM
Hey DosVerde I take it the Titanium S4R is yours?????

Yep, she's all mine. I've put nearly 5000 kays on it in the 4 months since I picked her up. I got it ex-demo so just hit 10,000km. I also commute a couple of days a week. It took a while to get used to tootling through the traffic on it, and commuting causes the fuel light comes on at 90km  :o

I posted a pic up on TOB but I'll have to borrow the wife's camera and find a nice place to take some better pics.
I'm glad my tyre tickled your fancy Spider, I got a new one fitted Sunday, so i'm ready to go again   [moto]  BTW, for all you Melbourne guy's Andrew McIntire's shop is open untill 2:00pm Sunday's and 8:00pm Weeknights. He took care when replacing the tyre, not a scratch on the rim. He's in Nicholson Street Brunswick.