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[Melb] Sat 31st May ride

Started by Spider, May 26, 2008, 04:15:24 AM

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Quote from: DosVerde on June 02, 2008, 04:02:48 AM
At least if P2e comes along on the next ride on his HyperMotard, the S4R won't be the 1st one sniffing out petrol stations .... or will it ???

Fingers crossed I can do better than Big T's 160 clicks. (Geezus, I hope that's an average range right, not max range?)

I been told by the salesman the HM should make 200kays average, but that may just be his marketing schpeel.
Not sure at this stage if I can make that since I'm getting the full termi kit installed.

So, if I ride with an S4R, it'll be a relief for me-- I won't be the one feeling guilty declaring the fuel stops..  ;D


I think 160k's is about max, unless of course you roll downhill.
Haven't seen any of the S4R guys up here going beyond that...

Big T

Hey ptooey very interested to see your new HyperM and how it goes.....

If I was to get another Duke it would be a HyperM... Took one for a test ride and dam it was a fun ride......  [moto]  [thumbsup]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Quote from: DosVerde on June 02, 2008, 03:12:18 PM

I posted a pic up on TOB but I'll have to borrow the wife's camera and find a nice place to take some better pics.
I'm glad my tyre tickled your fancy Spider, I got a new one fitted Sunday, so i'm ready to go again   [moto]  BTW, for all you Melbourne guy's Andrew McIntire's shop is open untill 2:00pm Sunday's and 8:00pm Weeknights. He took care when replacing the tyre, not a scratch on the rim. He's in Nicholson Street Brunswick.

bet you didn't get much for the trade in!  :)


Quote from: Big T on June 02, 2008, 11:02:44 PM
Hey ptooey very interested to see your new HyperM and how it goes.....

Yeah I'm interested to know myself... HM isn't ideal for my use as a daily rider.

But choosing the HM has always been more of a heart decision than a head decision.

If it was head, then I'd have picked a Jap bike... I shudder to think...  :-X


Quote from: DosVerde on June 02, 2008, 03:12:18 PM
It took a while to get used to tootling through the traffic on it, and commuting causes the fuel light comes on at 90km  :o


Brendan, I get double that and 240 - 260 on the highway!!!!

Take it out to Dean at Dynoverks and get a PCIII and custom map!!!   It must be as rich as...

That's assuming the T tank is the same size as the D tank and you are filling it up.   Mine takes a tad under 12ltrs when the light comes on!!



Quote from: ptooey on June 02, 2008, 04:35:54 PM
Fingers crossed I can do better than Big T's 160 clicks. (Geezus, I hope that's an average range right, not max range?)

I been told by the salesman the HM should make 200kays average, but that may just be his marketing schpeel.
Not sure at this stage if I can make that since I'm getting the full termi kit installed.

So, if I ride with an S4R, it'll be a relief for me-- I won't be the one feeling guilty declaring the fuel stops..  ;D

It seems the Testastretta-engined are the ones that guzzle - the older Desmoquattro not so much (not FHE, just what I have read and casually observed).

From the reviews I have read, the HM is not great on the range front either. Obviously a 14T compounds the problem - from my experience it added about 500rpm for a given speed.


Quote from: Ita on June 03, 2008, 04:54:01 PM

Brendan, I get double that and 240 - 260 on the highway!!!!

Take it out to Dean at Dynoverks and get a PCIII and custom map!!!   It must be as rich as...

That's assuming the T tank is the same size as the D tank and you are filling it up.   Mine takes a tad under 12ltrs when the light comes on!!


I have been able to get 225km out of it with 1 litre left in the tank (took 12) out on the open road. When commuting and the light comes on, I duck into a server about 5km later and get 10 litres into it, so it's about on par with a gently driven Falcon  [bang]

I'm still running standard gearing. It doesn't like working through traffic under 4000rpm, she even burps through the intake on occasion. I assume its running rich at that point, fine with a few revs on. A DP ECU or Power Commander will probably fix that.

I know yours doesn't run rich Ita, with all the air being sucked in causing that brutal induction roar, your bike has it must be lean as  [cheeky]

Big T

On the Sydney ride last weekend Tricolore and I with the same Testastretta engine were getting different fuel mileage.

Tricolore with the standard ECU, exhaust and 15 tooth front sprocket.....

Big T with full open Zard system (no baffles), DP ECU, Open Air Box and 14 tooth front sprocket......

Tricolore was putting in about a litre less than me over 130km ish....  [roll]

Agree that the Testastretta engines are thirsty little buggers......  [bang]

   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Quote from: DosVerde on June 04, 2008, 05:37:19 AM
I have been able to get 225km out of it with 1 litre left in the tank (took 12) out on the open road.

Hmmm....  OK maybe a typo??  12 with 1 left??   I got a 15ltr tank.  Does the T have a smaller tank than the D??

As for the induction roar...  I love it for about an hour, and then it's headache city or earplugs!!! ;D

My fuel consumption was crap untill the Corse Kit, which improved it, but the PCIII cleaned up all the low end stutters, farts and surges!!

Who's organising the next ride??? [evil]



Quote from: Ita on June 04, 2008, 06:16:46 AM
Who's organising the next ride??? [evil]

Yeah, good question.  I'm up for Saturday for a few hours although I'm not sure what the weather is supposed to be doing.

Anyone else interested? [moto]
'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.


Quote from: Ita on June 04, 2008, 06:16:46 AM
Hmmm....  OK maybe a typo??  12 with 1 left??   I got a 15ltr tank.  Does the T have a smaller tank than the D??

As for the induction roar...  I love it for about an hour, and then it's headache city or earplugs!!! ;D

My fuel consumption was crap untill the Corse Kit, which improved it, but the PCIII cleaned up all the low end stutters, farts and surges!!

Who's organising the next ride??? [evil]


Not a typo, just a misunsderstanding  [roll]  for some reason I thought I had a 13ltr tank, but your right Ita, it's 15. That means I've still got 1/3rd of a tank left when the light comes on - thants going to change things. I could probably get 130km on a commute then and about 240 on the open road. Cool  [thumbsup]

I can't make it this Saturday, having a "boy's afternoon" at the footy  ;D


Quote from: ducmeister on June 04, 2008, 07:18:45 AM
Yeah, good question.  I'm up for Saturday for a few hours although I'm not sure what the weather is supposed to be doing.

Anyone else interested? [moto]

Sorry fellas, can't make it this weekend.


I'm away being a farm boy for this week-end (long week-end)

Have a ride planned on Wednesday with a few mates.   Starting at Warrandyte and heading to Marysville for breaky (brunch).

All welcome if ya have an RDO to take or are feeling unwell [coffee]



What is all this?  Footy, farms, where's the priorities?

OK, I guess it was a big ask just a few days out from a long weekend.

Enjoy and I'll try to catch up with you all soon.

'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.