Quick Gearbox Question...Am I doing damage??

Started by johnster, May 27, 2008, 06:31:33 AM

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Hey guys..

    I had posted a few weeks ago about how I installed a new pressure plate + springs, noticed that it takes much more effort to shift gears, and the "clunk" while downshifting from 3rd to 2nd, and 2nd to 1st is much more pronounced...

    Well it seems to me getting worse...  :-\  My guess is there's some air trapped in there from re-installing to push rod, causing it to not travel the way it should.. I went for a long ride yesterday, and towards the end it was REALLY clunky going both up and down through the gears...

    My question is, until I install a new clutch slave (very soon) and bleed the line, am I risking any gearbox damage?? Something definitely isn't right, as it almost feels like I'm mashing the gears together, instead of the "snicking" feeling I'm used to.....Should I sideline the bike until I can carry this out??

-Thanks in advance for your input!!
2001 MS4; Full Termi w/airbox, ECU, SPS cams, CycleCat ClipOn Adapters, Apex clip-ons, CRG's, MW open clutch, Sargent Saddle, CF aplenty.. NOT RIDEABLE FOR A LONG TIME DUE TO MY STUPID LACK OF JUDGEMENT!!


why not just try bleeding the clutch? it doesn't take any special tools. just need some clear tubing, a small bottle(water bottle,gatorade bottle),some DOT 3,4,5.1 brake fluid and a wrench to open the bleeder.  pump the lever 10 times and hold,thencrack the bleeder.  repeat
1994 M900

Slide Panda

Your new springs are stiffer right?

Well - it sounds like you've got some air in the lines that needs bleeding out.  The new stiffer springs just made the existing problem more apparent.

Clunky shifts and a hard to find neutral (when stopped) and the common symptoms of a clutch line that needs bleeding.  The clunks and such are due to the fact that the clutch isn't 100% disengaged, even at full pull on the lever.  So there's a little bit of power still going through the drive line.  It's probably clunking a bit like a wet clutch on a cold morning- yeah?

So I 2nd the bleed recomendation - it'll be good practice of your new slave job.  And btw, when you do install the new slave - don't rush the bleed work.  It'll take a while since you're opening the system to the air.  Once easy (but Long) trick to get stubborn bubbles out is to strap the lever to the bar overnight or longer.  That will help get any air that's being problematic to rise to your reservoir and out of your hair
-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.


Quote from: yuu on May 27, 2008, 07:55:19 AM
Your new springs are stiffer right?

Well - it sounds like you've got some air in the lines that needs bleeding out.  The new stiffer springs just made the existing problem more apparent.

Yes, they are stiffer and I figured that this is what I'm experiencing... I was just wondering if the hard "clunk" might be damaging the gear dogs at all...  I wanted to install an aftermarket slave anyway (probably Evoluzione) and figured I'd do the bleed/install all at once, but I might not pick one up for a week or so... Riding the bike in the meantime is what I'm mainly concerned about...

-Thanks for the input though!!   :)
2001 MS4; Full Termi w/airbox, ECU, SPS cams, CycleCat ClipOn Adapters, Apex clip-ons, CRG's, MW open clutch, Sargent Saddle, CF aplenty.. NOT RIDEABLE FOR A LONG TIME DUE TO MY STUPID LACK OF JUDGEMENT!!