I was hoping for a block of 8 days off to indulge in a road trip to Death Valley and somewhere beyond (New Mexico to visit a friend came to mind), but it just didn't happen. A weekend in the Central Coast sufficed instead. I focused more on the miles this time; less stops for pic snaps. The best of the few that I did manage are below.
Monterey was my anchor point. An early start from there in the morning gave me a chance to relish Hwy 1 through Big Sur
completely void of other traffic for the first time. Zero other vehicles on the road during my time of passage ... on a weekend. Unspeakably cool.
Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd. from the coast to Ft. Hunter Liggett was a holy mess of gravel. So many corners and tight hairpins were loaded with loose gravel that my front end slid mid-turn over half a dozen times, both going up the hill and down the other side. Super unnerving.
Other roads traveled: Interlake, Hare Canyon, Indian Valley, Adelaida, Santa Rosa Creek, Arroyo Seco - all familiar to me by now. Other roads I had hoped to explore this time, but missed again: 198, Los Gatos Creek / Coalinga Rd.