Desmo Demon in Da House

Started by Desmo Demon, May 27, 2008, 10:03:30 AM

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Desmo Demon

Hello fellow Ducatisti,

I've been floating around all sorts of forums on the Internet and finally have a reason to come here.....I recently picked up a 2001 M900ie in the "Metallic" flavor. I just wanted to join and surf around the site to see what I can learn about the Monsters, specifically. I currently own an '02 748, '98 ST2 (just picked up another last Friday - so I have two, now), and two '87 Paso 750s. In the past I had a '99 SS750F.

Anyway, I'll be dropping in from time to time. In the meantime, here is my website addy and a few pictures of the Monster that I got for my wife....

The "Disco Duck"...

Vicki with her new Monster...

A neat shot of the tank...

And the Pingel electric shifter I installed on the bike (my wife's left leg is paralyzed)...


Places I've been on two wheels:

IBA #32735


Welcome.  Good looking bike.  You could post up in the mod section with a write up on the shifter.  It sounds like a good work around for your wife.

Can I have a Peso?   ;)


Welcome. Nice collection of bikes.
Great bike for your wife.
+1 on posting up in the mod section, that's an awesome modification. [thumbsup]
Here lies the body of Mary Lee         
Died at the age of 103
For 15 years she kept her virginity
Not a bad record for this vicinity

Got Duc


I am really interested in the shifter mod.
Why do roaches always die on their back?

That because the survivors flip them over to steal their sneakers and wallets.

Desmo Demon

Thanks, folks. I took a few pictures of the shifter modification to write a story and see if US Desmo may want it for their Desmo Leanings magazine. Installing the shifter is a necessity for Vicki's bikes, as she had a head-on with a car while riding a GSXR back in 2003 and it crushed her left side from the hip down. Her leg is paralyzed from the knee down, and her hip has been reconstructed the best they could, including a total hip replacement. They didn't have much to work with, and several doctors have told her that it is the worst they've seen that wasn't amputated.

I may write the installation in the next few weeks. I've been taking some online classes, and they've been taking up a lot of my time, lately.

Places I've been on two wheels:

IBA #32735


Take your time bro, Priorities first!
I'm really glad to hear your lady is able to get back to enjoying Motorcycles after something terrible like that.
And it didn't break her spirit...  [moto] she's a trooper! [thumbsup]

That would probably knock the love of riding out of most people.
Here lies the body of Mary Lee         
Died at the age of 103
For 15 years she kept her virginity
Not a bad record for this vicinity


Welcome Terry.  Wow, what a great website! [thumbsup]  Nice bike collection [moto]  Glad you and your wife survived your accidents, scary stuff.

I love this picture of you with the crutches, you (both) are hardcore. [applause]

Need help posting pictures?  Check out the photo FAQ.


Desmo Demon

Thanks, everyone. I hope I can make some positive contributions to this board.

Vicki put about 500 miles on the Monster this past weekend and really likes it. It'll be a while for her to adjust to the riding position. All she's ever known are sportbikes. We were thinking of putting clip-ons on the Monster, but it would kinda defeat the purpose of getting it for a slightly different type of riding.   [laugh]

Quote from: msincredible on May 28, 2008, 09:12:01 PM
I love this picture of you with the crutches, you (both) are hardcore. [applause]
I think that is the only picture I have from doing that. The biggest scare I had when riding with the crutches was when I rode into work and there was a lightning storm ahead of me. Fortunately, I got into work about two minutes before the rain and lightning started. I kept wondering how those lightning rods would work on a moving vehicle.   [laugh]

Riding with the crutches or even afterwards with the cane (I rode to Daytona and back with a cane strapped to the bike) is nothing compared to what my wife and other folks I know do each time they go riding. Before Vicki's hip replacement, I had bought her a folding cane, as it was easier to pack on the bike. When she started riding her own bike, it was not uncommon to see some interesting facial expressions of the people around us when she'd pull the cane out.....especially from those guys that she'd just PASSED.   ;D

Places I've been on two wheels:

IBA #32735