98' M900...without the beer tray? Anyone done it...pics?

Started by 118811, November 29, 2009, 04:24:20 PM

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Every bike I've ever owned.

mrs minnesotamonster


Thanks for the link & info Mrs Minnesota!!

Everyone....I like the look, but I am afraid of the "loudness" factor.
Are there any tips I could use & retain the basic loud factor, maybe a little louder than my
Remus high exhaust, or am I asking too much!!

Again, I thank all of you for your knowledge & opinions!! [beer]
My people skills are just fine.
It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

mrs minnesotamonster

You might be able to create a baffle of some sort, but I'm not too sure how you'd go about doing it...they are meant to be loud;)


Thanks again to all who have given of their time & opinions on this matter for me!!

After my coffee this morning...my best thinking time [moto]
I was looking at the exhaust pipe connections & I wondered if it would be possible to connect the REMUS cans directly to the header, down below the foot peg?

Is There room?  Other issues?
My people skills are just fine.
It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.


I've got a license plate  & blinker relocator for sale. My lic. plate is up against the rear shock & way under there...(my setup may not be legal, but the local cops don't have a prob. w/ it...yet).

$75 o.b.o. That is what I paid for it.

It will have to be drilled to accept the beer tray bolt spacing on the '98's. No big deal, to drill 2 holes in it. The beer trey has to go asap ! It attaches to the 2 bolts pointing towards the ground under the tail, just in from the tail light. Much sturdier than other brackets, which can bend easily if bumped into.


Ride fast, ride safe
'98 M900, '92 Yamaha TDM850