Trained and certified on looking at a speedo?
ok......] That sounds like L.A City training
I think he works for ICE. Last time I talked to an ICE agent on the phone it went like this (no offense to our board member):
Cliff notes. This convo took three phone calls and about 30 minutes.
Me: Hi, I just ran a guy and got a hit saying he is a recently deported felon and to call you guys (ICE).
Ice: You sure it's him?
Me: He has ID with all four names on it.
Ice: That doesn't mean anything.
Me: He has three seperate valid ID's with all four names on it.
Ice: Can you send me a photo of him?
Me: I'm in a parking lot. Does your info show any tattoos?
Ice: Yes, he should have tattoo A, B, and C.
Me: What do you know. He has tattoo A, B, and C exactly where you said he should have them.
Ice: I'm still not comfortable placing a hold on this guy. He may not be the right guy.
Me: He just told me, "I'm a recently deported felon." Is that good enough?