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Perfect Vision in Hindsight (derby)

Started by CairnsDuc, May 28, 2008, 12:56:34 PM

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G'day all, A few people has suggested I derby this message here after I posted in the general Monster Forum
So here it is, unmodified and derbyed from the General Forum.

AKA: CairnsDuc

I have been lurking and a member pretty much only a week or to after this board started

Some of you will know me as SpankyMK from the DML.

Very shortly after VS changed TOB I offered to help out with some Mod work, mainly out of loyalty to the old DML, not to VS or the Admin or some strange power trip, I saw all this whining, complaining, Fighting and people being directed away from my favourite hang out.

The DML and it's members had been very good friend's to me since I joined, I could always rely on the DML forums giving me a chuckle and a laugh, make me think, teach me some new trick, or some way to get more out of my Trusty S2R 800, Being in the far north of Australia, there are not many Monster owners up here and no one really to socialize with or learn from, So the DML became my hangout.

So when the DML turned to shit, I wanted to protect the place that I enjoyed, I suppose you could say I wanted to give something back to the board that had given me so much, I saw Mods leaving and a board that was riddled with problems, I wanted to try and get it back to it's old self, give it back it's soul as it were.

When people bagged or put down the DML posted up other links to other forums, Admin said to lock, ban, delete or remove......
But I have to say after a week of this constant removing, editing, deleting, banning.........

I suddenly had a horrid thought,
A Forum is not a Forum without the people, And here I was removing and banning people I had a lot respect for, Had learnt a great deal from, had been the Soul of the DML........

Oh make the beast with two backs! What have I done??!?!

I had missed the point completely with regards to peoples complaints, topics and suggestions to go elsewhere.
What had been a place for the people, had simply become a place to try and make a profit from the people.
Stuff the people who poured there free time and effort in, let's just make a profit!!
People were pouring there hearts out because there favourite place to go was going down the toilet,
They were sad angry and lashing out.
That soul had been ripped out, and the last few remnants that remained I was slowly removing by banning people and removing topics.

But Dickhead here (Me) was a bit to slow to pick up on that!!   

So after my late night Revelation, I logged out of the DML and have never returned.

So for the last number of weeks I have been lurking around the Forum reading, learning and having a chuckle from the guys (The people) from the old Forum.
Trying to decide should I just pretend it didn't happen, Deny it wasn't me, Claiming I had an evil twin.....
all that Bullshit.
But I have decided to own up, admit I make the beast with two backsed up and cop the shit that will no doubt fly my way. 

If the Admin(s) decide to ban me so be it, I'll respect the umpires decision and be on my way.

So there you have it, This has burdened me for a number of weeks now, I'm glad I got it out.
So now I'll turn this over to the Flounders and the members.
I'm going for a ride   [moto]


I think that everyone behaved and reacted in different ways - human behavior - some were able to pick up their bags, log into the new place and unpack, some were more emotional - and that could come out as you had done in a protective way or some members lashed out.

I don't believe one behavior was better than another.

At least you had the maturity to be introspective and judge your own behavior and then make a change.

I say "welcome a board!"


Well said CD. Nice to have you here.

A community forum is just that - its a community. It belongs to the community. Its purpose is to promote the interests of the community. When its purpose is met it becomes self-sustaining. When it doesn't, it dies. All sorts of communities die every day because of this. The fact that the DMF is alive and well is testimony to the strength of the community it serves.

Its something that governments and businesses could learn a lot from.
This signature is forged.


Hey CD  our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.Welcome to your new home [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Hey CD or SpankyMK,

     we all do things for the right reasons (known to ourselves) from time to time.
You did what you thought was the right thing, being to try to get the Community back on track.
As Spider said we reacted differently, some logged in once again and said no thinks not for me.
Others tried to raise as much hell as possible just so VS knew they had perhaps screwed up a very good thing.

Being that we had a new home to go to and that we as the community were spreading the word and not the Founding Members of it.
I think that is something that pissed a lot of us off. Being censored in an open forum and worse still in your PM's "personal" messages IMO is worse.

That being said for the most part it was over pretty quick. It seemed like the greater majority of us came here inside a week or so.
The demise of the DML was on the cards when VS bought it, it's just a shame it got ugly.

So enjoy being back, home is where the board is.



i said enough in gen form , so ill just say grab a beer kick back and wellcome to oz monsters , ps these guys and girls will soon put a smile on your dial cheers bazz [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto] [moto]


Say 10 "hail ducatis" and we'll consider your sins absolved.

I admire your courage to put yourself out there. Everyone makes missnakes (oops, I meant mistakes. see even I do it). :D
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? - www.tas-compo-law.com.au


Quote from: CairnsDuc on May 28, 2008, 12:56:34 PMSo when the DML turned to shit, I wanted to protect the place that I enjoyed

You should be proud of yourself for this. Maybe you made a mistake, but you did what you thought was right (and changed what you were doing when you decided something _else_ was right).

I made the same set of decisions a bit earlier than you thanks to my "inside knowledge" as a mod over there. Back in late Jan, those of us who started this place did so because of fears the TOB was going to turn to shit so we set this place up, but left it locked down and lying in waiting while most of us chose to stay with TOB and do what we could to keep it great in the hope that is _wouldn't_ turn to shit. That lasted about three months... I still wasn't _sure_ that this was the "right" thing to do, but ~1800 people with ~47,000 posts in only ~3 weeks seems to indicate a lot of other people think we're doing the right thing.

So welcome! Thanks for what you did at TOB trying to support Monster Riders and their web community. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you either. I hope you get as much advice and information and camaraderie here as you used to get over there.

Lemme know if you'd rather be known here by your old name here, I can change that for you...




Quote from: bigiain on May 28, 2008, 06:55:08 PM
You should be proud of yourself for this. Maybe you made a mistake, but you did what you thought was right (and changed what you were doing when you decided something _else_ was right).

I made the same set of decisions a bit earlier than you thanks to my "inside knowledge" as a mod over there. Back in late Jan, those of us who started this place did so because of fears the TOB was going to turn to shit so we set this place up, but left it locked down and lying in waiting while most of us chose to stay with TOB and do what we could to keep it great in the hope that is _wouldn't_ turn to shit. That lasted about three months... I still wasn't _sure_ that this was the "right" thing to do, but ~1800 people with ~47,000 posts in only ~3 weeks seems to indicate a lot of other people think we're doing the right thing.

So welcome! Thanks for what you did at TOB trying to support Monster Riders and their web community. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you either. I hope you get as much advice and information and camaraderie here as you used to get over there.

Lemme know if you'd rather be known here by your old name here, I can change that for you...


Thanks Bigian
And thanks to everyone who has made me welcome, I was thinking about asking to change my name Ian, but with the hate and shit directed towards the Mods and Admin on TOB, I think it would be better for this board for me to keep my new name. Anyone visiting the new board will see my name and the dark side of the force applied to it, I don't want to drag that crap over here and damage this board.

I am just curious, did Jeff try to sell the DML to anyone else, or did he just say enough and offload it whenthe offer from VS came in? I'm not angry at Jeff (was he the only owner?) in any shape or form, In fact we communicate all the time and I just ordered more parts off him and I am planning another order in a couple of weeks (This bike will break me, so many nice toys!!)

Big T

Hey Mitch it all has been said above and I totally agree....

Hell you probably banned me..... Actually I hope you did, cause it helped me find my new home.... Thanks....  [thumbsup]

But as stated we both made a stand for what we believed in and that is why we live in the free world we do.

If TOB had not been so heavy handed I would probably still be there but I have made my choice with all my fellow DMFers and no regrets as you should also not have........

Great to have you on board.....  [beer]  [moto]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)



Mate, if  [bang] for a bit longer than the rest of us were prepared to is a mortal sin then the rest of us don't stand a chance either.
As far as I'm concerned it never happened. 
Welcome aboard.
'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.