T'was the night before Christmas...

Started by Yellow Meanie, December 24, 2009, 12:35:41 AM

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Yellow Meanie

...and not a creature was stirring, except a Thylacine.

Thought to be extinct long ago.
But no! There is one!

With new paws she was rearing to go
All Yellow, and blinged for show
She is mean, and keen
and so not, at all, un-clean

Thumb the red button,
and she roars into life
I love her so much,
just like a wife

Down the driveway and into the street,
the ladies look,
they would like to meet

Tinderbox Road, the first corner I meet
Ooh - these new tyres, they are so sweet
Even new rubber, as slippery as can be
they are like heaven, heaven to me

It's all in the wrist
I give her a fist
she loves it
something I have missed

She actually turns
It cannot be true
These new tyres, they stick like glue

Now at Bonnet Hill and more twisties near
I click down a gear
and give her some, to plant the rear
the MiVV's, a sweet sound in my ear

But there is gravel in the way
my boot scraping will have to wait another day
On I cruise to Sandy Bay
the road much nicer on this day

Past the pub the crowds are drinking
who is this animal they must be thinking
a small blip here, a downshift there
they hear Ducati music in the air

Now it's time to go home
I am thirsty, thirsty to the bone
Crack open a Boags and say "Cheers"
and hope all Ozmonsters are drinking beers!!!!!


Bravo Bravo Dave well done and cheers  [beer]
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT


Geeze Dave,
                  You have missed your calling  [bow_down]

And what are all you lot still doing up ??  Get to bed right now 'cos me and Santa got some deliverin to do

Quote from: Yellow Meanie on December 24, 2009, 12:35:41 AM

Now it's time to go home
I am thirsty, thirsty to the bone
Crack open a Boags and say "Cheers"
and hope all Ozmonsters are drinking beers!!!!!

Oh, and the suds I'm sucking down is Blue Tongue Larger  [drink]

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......

Yellow Meanie

I don't mind what you drink Mmick.

As long as you're drinking something!!!

Merry Christmas  [beer]


 [beer] cheers dave  [beer]

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


wow! there's some talent there Dave!  [thumbsup]

Merry Christmas one and all, it's still damn hot(midnight..trying to catch santa in the act!), so a nice coldie works wonders!
03 M900
04 ET125
08 Sherpa

'when in doubt apply throttle' - it may not save you, but it will end the suspense


Very nice Dave. I could visualise the whole thing.

New tyres are indeed a wonderful thing.  [moto]
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? - www.tas-compo-law.com.au

Yellow Meanie

Yeah, especially, when they are the correct profile  [roll]  :o  ;D

I went for a quick ride, just to try them out / scrub them in, and couldn't believe the difference.
When I got home, I sat down to write a thread about scrubbing in the tyres, but somehow ended up with something completely different!


Hi Dave, nice work - you are will need to convert to cascade though you are in the south now  [laugh]


Dave, I may have missed this in another thread  [roll], but what tyres did you get?