Anyone up for a ride tomorrow? Obreon? Bells Line? Mt Vic?

Started by Serious Groper, January 07, 2010, 11:46:51 AM

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Serious Groper

I haven't been out for a ride at a time and a place by myself for months. So tomorrow i plan to get out there and blow the cobwebs out.

Anyone up for a morning spin?

I'm thinking maybe a run through Bells Line out to Mt Vic and back? I'd be interested in an Oberon run if someone is keen. It would be done at a 'fun' pace for those interested.


Can't tomorrow I'm out at the track blowing out some cobwebs of my own.


Quote from: Serious Groper on January 07, 2010, 11:46:51 AM

Anyone up for a morning spin?
It would be done at a 'fun' pace for those interested.

Fun pace on the bells  [leo] [leo] keep a good watch been done up there twice in the cage :'(

Can't make it either this time :'(

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Bike is waiting for a service, won't have it back for 2 weeks.  :'(


Mate went up there today, stumbled across "the Pie in the Sky" (i thought that was up old Pac)

5 minutes after me 2 highway patrol cars stopped... they reckon they are there for the weekend...

620ie Monster

Serious Groper

Did that ride yesterday. Had an absolute ball!

One suggestion, when leaving Oberon take a left down Tarana Rd (then Hazelgrove Rd) and follow that to Torana where there's a pub. From there take a right onto Rydal Sodwalls Torana Rd then Magpie Hollows Rd which take you past the lake and into Lithgow. Take Bells Line home through Windsor.

I hate coming back through Katoomba and once again i did it yesterday and once again i hated it. I reckon it adds massive time to the trip home and it's utterly boring.


Good to see you had a good day [moto], what was the temperature like?
And i agree going back through Katoomba ,western hwy is not the best to slow with all the little towns, traffic, lighs etc. :-\

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015

signora monster

Quote from: Rob s on January 10, 2010, 11:12:26 AM
Good to see you had a good day [moto], what was the temperature like?
And i agree going back through Katoomba ,western hwy is not the best to slow with all the little towns, traffic, lighs etc. :-\

I went out riding to Lithgow on Saturday with friends. Left at 8:30 and back by 3:30 with quite a few stops. Was a nice ride. Not much traffic and no  [leo]. My beau led us through some back roads which avoided lots of lights and traffic etc. Awesome run. Got damn hot on the way back (coming out of the mountains).

Happy to do it again soon if anyone interested. Perhaps not on such a hot day though :P


Serious Groper

I believe we are doing it again this weekend with the extra bit around the lake added on.

We have a neighbour coming with us who i haven't ridden with before so i'm not sure what the pace will be like. Anyone is welcome to come along but we won't have the long stops the normal Ducati rides have. It's generally go go go except for fuel.


Quote from: Serious Groper on January 09, 2010, 07:03:43 PM
Did that ride yesterday. Had an absolute ball!

One suggestion, when leaving Oberon take a left down Tarana Rd (then Hazelgrove Rd) and follow that to Torana where there's a pub. From there take a right onto Rydal Sodwalls Torana Rd then Magpie Hollows Rd which take you past the lake and into Lithgow. Take Bells Line home through Windsor.

I did that ride on Sunday. We spent a couple of hours waiting for these guys between Tarana and Lithgow:

One Landcruiser with its front lefthand tire ripped off, one dead Sport Classic, and a guy with compound fractures in is left tib and fib and 3 busted bones in his left hand...

Kinda takes the enjoyment out of what had been a great day up till then.



That sux.
I hope your friend recovers quickly and we don't see anymore photos of helicopters