"make the beast with two backss like a rabbit" - referring to Sheri in HS. Also "Dumb as a box rocks" - referring to Sheri in HS.
"Hotter than a witches tit in August." Conversely - "Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra in December."
"Slower than molasses in winter"
"Stuck between a rock and a hard on." = Thank you Michael Keaton and "Gung Ho"
"Paper or plastic?" - Referencing an ugly girl you'd make the beast with two backs. Paper indicates a paper grocery bag you'd use to cover her face if you might want a second date and didn't care if she told anyone you'd make the beast with two backsed her. Plastic well . . . you get the idea.
"Fuctard" - Combined usage of make the beast with two backs head and retard. See also Miss Tracy
"The Lee twins" - referencing the sisters "Homely and Ugly".
"Pocahontas" (SP) - Slanderous term for some jackass you want to throw down with.
"Sacagewa' (SP) - Alternative to any cuss word you would use when children or woman you want to make the beast with two backs later is around.
"Cinderella" - Derogatory term for some jackass you want to dance AKS throw down with.