"swiss cheesing" rear brake rotor

Started by COP TZR, February 08, 2010, 07:18:04 PM

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Punx Clever

yup. and i'm not talking retail price... i'm talking cost to manufacture.

now to put on my gear-head hat.... don't you want a nice, shiny, high performance, free-floating brake rotor? :D
2008 S2R 1000 - Archangel

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.  - HST

junior varsity

Quote from: Punx Clever on February 09, 2010, 01:04:33 PM
The way I look at it, the engineers who made the rotor to begin with were given (or came up with) criteria for the rotor.  Most likely acceptable safety margins, performance requirements, max weight, and a price point.  Strength of the material chosen and cost for that material would be considered.  The come up with a basic design (considering cost of manufacture, performance characteristics, etc), figure out the major stress areas, then apply that to a table of materials.  Lifespan is considered at the stress levels to come up with the cheapest material that satisfies that design, and go with it.

Stress is not great on a rear rotor, especially in comparison to front rotors, the surface has to deal with heat but its not incredibly high in comparison to the front

. There's not a lot of considerations for rear brake rotors on Ducatis. The biggest factor comes from the penny-pinchers: We need cheap rear rotors. They are not a substantial part of the sport motorcycle riding experience. This is reflected in the style carrier used, the simple circular shapes and small holes. The design is essentially "XXXmm diameter, thickness of Ymm, 6 bolts".


You think people that work in these aftermarket cnc shops are engineers? I think not.

drill away, its only the rear brake.

2007 Monster S2R, Vespa GTS 300, Vino 125


You mean to tell me there are actually people on here who use the rear brake?
I think the only time my foot's been on that peddle is at a stop, on a hill!   
"I try to be a warrior, like my heroes, and writing is just one blade on my Swiss Army Samurai Sword." Ken Kesey


Quote from: CCEMN1 on February 09, 2010, 03:55:58 PM
You mean to tell me there are actually people on here who use the rear brake?
I think the only time my foot's been on that peddle is at a stop, on a hill!  

I guess you're not doing high enough wheelies??  That rear brake will save you from flipping over.


Ok as an update to this post, I just came back from a local machine shop.  For $20 and 30mins of their time, they had taken some measurements, spun up a CNC program, inputted it into the CNC machine.  Clamped down the rotor and went to town.  The CNC machine was so accurate with the cutting and at the same time the rotor was being sprayed with a white liquid which must help the cutting bit and keeping materials cool.  I had them drill 12 x 1" holes evenly around the rotor.

It came out perfectly, done on the cheap, lighter, and looks bling and its a modded OEM part  [thumbsup]

I'll try to get pics up


Sounds like a deal to me. Let's see them pics.
Men face reality and women don't. That's why men need to drink. -George Christopher



Is that a cnc of your original rotor?
"As a final touch, God created the Dutch"


Bravo.  That puts to shame all the late night garage drill press work on the Campy Record stuff back in the seventies.   [clap]

Makes me feel old generation old.   I think I'll go oil my Brooks saddle.


Quote from: Bizzarrini on April 01, 2010, 10:39:14 PM
Is that a cnc of your original rotor?

Sure is.  Then I went out and did something crazy.   Bought me some surplus Titanium, and had them copy the rotor into that.  Talk about light (and worthless cept for holding the bike on a hill!)  ;D


have you tried different pad types?


Quote from: COP TZR on February 09, 2010, 04:54:15 PM
I guess you're not doing high enough wheelies??  That rear brake will save you from flipping over.
Nothing personal, but getting a wheelie that high, you're only losing speed. If you're wheeling on purpose, you should be on a Gixxer, or Buell, but that post was before I realised Squids are also piloting Duc's now and that this was a Squid Site!
"I try to be a warrior, like my heroes, and writing is just one blade on my Swiss Army Samurai Sword." Ken Kesey


Quote from: CCEMN1 on April 06, 2010, 10:36:58 AM
Nothing personal, but getting a wheelie that high, you're only losing speed. If you're wheeling on purpose, you should be on a Gixxer, or Buell, but that post was before I realised hooligans are also piloting Duc's now and that this was a hooligan Site!

Fixed it for you.  [thumbsup]
Men face reality and women don't. That's why men need to drink. -George Christopher

Punx Clever

Quote from: CCEMN1 on April 06, 2010, 10:36:58 AM
Nothing personal, but getting a wheelie that high, you're only losing speed. If you're wheeling on purpose, you should be on a Gixxer, or Buell, but that post was before I realised Squids are also piloting Duc's now and that this was a Squid Site!

Does it still count if it's a controlled environment and NOT on public roads?  Or is that extra squidly for the added effort?
2008 S2R 1000 - Archangel

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.  - HST