[SYD] Sat 2nd August DMF Ride Day

Started by Big T, May 31, 2008, 05:00:43 AM

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+1 Though I may be weilding a spanner and "trying" to keep warm in my dungeon... I mean garage.
'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


b.o.m. still says decent weather tomorrow, cold but no rain. Check it early tomorrow or late tonight for a final decider.
I'll ride if its anything other than rain / hail :)

If the weather is shitty I think I'll be trying to org a zorst install with one of you guys :)


It was raining earlier (3:45pm), but it's currently stopped at Castle Hill and it looks to be clearing.  BOM says  Good Things. I'll post again later tonight and let you know how it looks, but I think we should be good. :)

Super T.I.B

Quote from: mattyvas on July 31, 2008, 10:55:09 PM
Mecca = Bigiain 50/50, Goldfish, Kursed, Giannig
Vaby's = Matty, Andy, Vince, Adam
Liverpool = 900CC (Con), The Don?
Rouse Hill = Tricolore, Craigo, Betty, Jukie, R_usty, Six95

Sorry Matty.  :-[

I got your call after getting off the bike when I got home....just thought you could look on here before me ringing you back.

Hope the weather works out for everyone, it was cold, wet and blowy on the ride home from work, not good when you have a shagged front tyre like I've got. :-\


I'm thinking if the weather is still questionable later tonight, at (errghh) 6:45am tomorrow morning or something I can ring Matty with a North West Sydney weather conditions report and maybe Betty/Jukie can ring him with a North Coast weather update. If there is still any doubt,  we can make a call from there..  That way we can post the result here and call it round if it looks like we have to cancel.

Riding in the rain is a chore that I'd rather avoid  [roll]


Excellent idea Craig,

   I think from the forecast on t.v. we should be ok, but do still ring/txt so it can be for sure.
That is unless the sky is blue and we are being shined on by a great yellow ball up above.

txt in the morning, now go get your beauty rest all.... 



I will actually meet you guys at Rouse Hill not Mecca.



Yep I read that sorry I didn't reflect it in the post but in my mind you are there first.
You have my number if anything changes or you need to call for any reason.


North coast .... bloody hell, where were we going again?

Just got home .... road is almost completely dry, stars are shining brightly and the wind has died down.

Will try and report in in the morning, but the sun may not be up by the time we have to leave.
Believe post content at your own risk.


geez whats with you lot  ???

as chopper says you need to harden the f@$k up  ;D
what's with a little water? Bring some wets in a backpack and good to go if it worries you that much (I am usually one to be prepared as I am not a fan of spending the day with a cold wet crotch), but the BOM looks pretty good.

Yeah, I'll be at Mecca around 7.20 for a 7.40ish leave for Rouse Hill  [thumbsup]


Sorry all i'm out for tomorrow, too many things to do with the kids/ family. Next time round.

Hope this wind goes away for you all! :o It was blowing me around on the bike today, imagine having a full fared bike?

M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix


Quote from: goldFiSh on August 01, 2008, 03:58:38 AM
geez whats with you lot  ???

as chopper says you need to harden the f@$k up  ;D
what's with a little water? Bring some wets in a backpack and good to go if it worries you that much (I am usually one to be prepared as I am not a fan of spending the day with a cold wet crotch), but the BOM looks pretty good.

Yeah, I'll be at Mecca around 7.20 for a 7.40ish leave for Rouse Hill  [thumbsup]

You heard the man.
Didn't uncle Chop cut off his ears to get his helmet on quicker?

The sound of Ducati - A symphony of internal combustion


No rain for hours. Roads look pretty much sweet! Matty I'll ping you early if the situation changes, otherwise I'm looking forward to seeing you folks at Rouse Hill tomorrow morning!


Morning peoples,

Clear skies up here on the coast and hardly a breath of wind at the moment. Has been blowing like a bastard thoughout the night though, so be weary of any debris on the roads. Still a bit dark outside but is looking good.

Seeyas soon-ish.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Good Morning
6:30am report from Hornsby - Not a cloud in sight but blowing a very very soft wind.
See you all there

The sound of Ducati - A symphony of internal combustion