We're getting some professional help

Started by ducpainter, May 06, 2008, 12:19:18 PM

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Quote from: jclin on May 07, 2008, 02:39:47 PM
I love that language programmers and coders think of their code as living beings. "Fatal"  ::) C'mon! Can we get any more dramatic?!

It is symmetrical with the Unix "kill" command.

il d00d

If I could make up my own command line interface, it would include "humilate"

d00dsh# humiliate process 56
% process: 56 pwn3d LOL

Back on topic, would this be the place to suggest adding navigation to the subforums on the left of the page?  I liked that...


Quote from: il d00d on May 08, 2008, 11:43:52 AM
Back on topic, would this be the place to suggest adding navigation to the subforums on the left of the page?  I liked that...

We've got a place for that:

I'm pretty sure that issue has been brought up, but you should check to make sure that it's the same as what you're thinking.
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Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Quote from: ducpainter on May 06, 2008, 12:19:18 PM
Just to let everyone know...

sqweak and darylbowden have offered to help us resolve our teething issues.

There is a thread set up explaining what's going on and the best way to help them help all of us.

Thanks guys...we all appreciate this.

This site rocks better than that other site you know  ???
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !