UPDATE! I've taken the time to create better-quality versions of the non-metallics. See my post below for the updated pics.
I've posted this on other forums...
So I noticed that I can barely find any up-close, good quality pictures of the current Monster in "color therapy" garb. Worse yet, I can't find any with a red frame, except for the stock red and the neutrals (black, silver, and white). So I decided to create my own.
The following are "eh"-quality chops I did with a free paint utility, since I'm temporarily in Brazil and don't have anything better loaded on my netbook (like photoshop). As such, I did the best I could with what I have to faithfully duplicate the actual "color therapy" colors on an 1100 with the red frame. The non-metallics (dark blue and lavender) will, unfortunately, look metallic because the original picture that I chopped was metallic silver. But this should give people a good idea of how well, or how bad, the various colors would look on a red-framed monster.
However, if anyone has any
actual pictures of non-neutral color therapy skins with the red frame then, by all means, please post them up.
Once I'm home again, I'll work on better-quality chops.