Looks like WA started a new system no rego stickers as of 1/1/10
I hope the rest of the states follow.
I just copied this from a 4wd Forum.
Fairdink um theres no pleasing some
Bear in mind there a different breed in the west
hi all
although w.a started the new system on 1/1/10 it has just hit home today when i received a renewal notice for my car and also camper trailer
that there will be no windscreen sticker or trailer disc to visually refer to any more
although i recall hearing about it
it has just sunk in
leaving a void down the track of : gee when is the license due etc i feel there will be a lot of people getting caught out by this system
one will have to check before going on a trip etc and when looking at second vehicles
but i guess it will grow on me eventually but at the moment seems like an inconvenience forced on us for the almighty $$$$$$$savings
what do others think of the new erra/error/mistake ??
do the other states have this as well as w.a
or is it just w.a saving $2 million on them
i think i will be applying some form of reminder sticker with expiry date attached to my vehicle where it can be seen by the driver