What time should I get there?
Don't matter to me. You wanna take the 101 all the way up or you wanna do Hwy 1 for a while. The PCH will be slow and tiring, but its fun as hell. As far as slabs go the 101 ain't bad.
One option would be to take the 154 out of Santa Barbara and then pick up the 101 (always lots of cops on 154, I drive it every day)
Another option would be to take the 101 out of Santa Barbara (nice cruise next to the ocean) and cut over on the PCH towards Lompoc and pick the 101 back up in Arroyo Grande.
OR we could cruise the 101 all the way up to San Luis Obispo and catch the PCH there. We would pretty much be locked in to the PCH at that point but it take us through Big Sur which is beautiful. Your appetite for passing RVs around corners has to be high though. Otherwise it will take all make the beast with two backsing day.
OR we could take the 101 up to Salinas and cut over to the 1 there.
OR we could do some combination thereof.
OR we could just start riding and figure out the route as we go.
OR we could just say make the beast with two backs it and stay in Santa Barbara and get drunk.