Underbike exhaust and tuning options. PCIII vs DP ECU. Cost/Benefit

Started by Veloce-Fino, April 11, 2010, 08:19:44 PM

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2009 M696

Basically I need to get rid of the stock exhaust. I love the look of the under bike setups and how they open up the rear (ex box, boom tubes, ryanracing) but I am having issued about the types of tuning that will need to be done. I love the fact that the DP ECU solves the idle and launch issues as well as increases rpm limit. However I don't want to be forced to buy the Termi's because of the packaged ECU. Purchasing the ECU on its own runs 1k and is ridiculous because I can get carbon termi's for 1300. I like the termi's look but really prefer the underbike setups.

At this point I am really moving toward the boom tubes, whenever they release for the 696. If the boom tubes are installed I will need to have my duc tuned. Though I have seen the price for a PCIII and tuning around $3000 on here and that's just ridiculous. Is there any way to get the benefits of the DP ECU (without dropping 1k for the DP ECU on its own) while enjoying the underbike exhaust? I know many people slap on aftermarket exhaust without any tuning and just ride, but I prefer to do it right. If the best option I have is to buy the Termi's for the benefit of the DP ECU and just learn to like them I will, but I would love to be able to run the boom tubes or similar underbike exhaust.

Thanks in advance.
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with just the exhaust change you dont need to tune your bike. it's a closed loop system. Ryan's system keeps the stock headers with the O2 sensors, and I'm certain Mark's will also, unless he comes up with a sensor replacement, which still eliminates the need for the DP ECU.

if you upgrade your intake system (K&N or BMC filters) then you need to upgrade because then the system needs more fuel.


So when I do upgrade to the open intake and K&N I will need a tune. Can the stock ECU be tuned or will the Two brothers juicebox be sufficient? What would the best option for tuning? Is there any other way to get those extra 2k r's without getting the DP ECU?
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no way to get the extra rpm's unless someone starts reflashing the Seimens ECU. I've heard of a company in Italy that can do it, but don't know enough about them.

the Juice box should be good when you get the better filter.


Much appreciated. Now I just need to decide between the Termi's and be done, or the Boom Tubes, filter, juicebox. Such tough choices...Really wish I could hear the tubes in person. Local dealer let me test ride a 696 with termi's and They do sound good, but I have nothing to compare them to.
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Ive been running the underseat exhaust, K&N filter, and Juicebox with zero problems and the bike has been running perfectly.

I used to have quat-d slipons, which were nice, but the underseat exhaust blows it away in performance, and sound.

The powercommander for the 696 is not out yet... and i'm not sure if it ever will be. They announced it over a year ago and it has yet to be released...

The juicebox is your best bet for some type of tuning... It seems to work pretty well, but it's not for fine tuning.
2003 BMW R1150GS- The commuter
2009 M696--SOLD


Quote from: DoWorkSon on April 11, 2010, 09:48:01 PM
Ive been running the underseat exhaust, K&N filter, and Juicebox with zero problems and the bike has been running perfectly.

I used to have quat-d slipons, which were nice, but the underseat exhaust blows it away in performance, and sound.

The powercommander for the 696 is not out yet... and i'm not sure if it ever will be. They announced it over a year ago and it has yet to be released...

The juicebox is your best bet for some type of tuning... It seems to work pretty well, but it's not for fine tuning.

Old thread update.

Now that the PC V is out for the 696 and I have my underseat exhaust I want to upgrade my intake and get a tuned ECU.

Do you think the PC V is my best option. I am not wiling to buy a DP ecu for 1200 so it's either PC V or juice box.

*Edit I'm assuming the PCV will require dyno tuning also.
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If I ever got a new Duc with an o2 sensor, I would do following:

1) get the Termi kit w/ ecu & filter,
2) install the ecu to get the +rpm,
3) sell the termis and filter as new for some ridiculous amount,
4) get the exhaust and filter (pods) of my choice ,
5) and add a power commander and tune.

that's not the most cost effective route, but that's the route I'd take, as long as I can front all the cash.


I am sort of following that route but I am not willing to buy the termi kit for the ecu. I have talked to people trying to sell the kit without the ECU and they are having a hard time getting rid of them. No one wants the kit sans ecu.
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Quote from: Raux on June 06, 2010, 10:47:27 AM
i picked up an ecu on ebay from a lot sale ;)

So you keep reminding us. I know your a lucky turd. I check every week on ebay, craigslist, and various forums for DP ECU's. I refuse to buy one new at a ridiculous price.
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Quote from: WinSomeLoseNone on June 06, 2010, 11:03:22 AM
So you keep reminding us. I know your a lucky turd. I check every week on ebay, craigslist, and various forums for DP ECU's. I refuse to buy one new at a ridiculous price.

sorry i just love saying that  [evil]

ok ok, i won't say it again til i have it running.


Quote from: Raux on June 06, 2010, 11:06:39 AM
sorry i just love saying that  [evil]

ok ok, i won't say it again til i have it running.

Who knows when that will be at the pace your going  [roll]

Might as well give me the ecu until then. I promise to give it back  ;D
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yeah yeah.. touche

BUT, frame is back from the paint shop tomorrow...
next two weeks is reassembly, hopefully the 1198 forks get here fast.


We should see you on the road soon then!!

(I give it ~6 months)

used smaller font  ;D
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