If felt good.
I got more of my confidence back, despite being one of OR the slowest guy in A group.
On the other hand I wasn't held up by anyone in the corners.
Except for that 39 guy who pulled a close pass on me on the outside of T3.
Didn't get any good one on on instruction, as I had hoped, but the cyszersizes where good.
My main goal was to move my braking points up and carry more speed into 1/2.
Which I did but know i can go deeper and faster, just a matter of getting the balls to do it.
There is plenty of room to improve, but I feel more confident and have an idea of what needs to be done.
The whole use your engine breaking less and break more makes sense (in that it will keep you more consistent) but was difficult to execute, as I am trenched in my old ways.
Overall a fun day despite the 20 min sessions and being done at 3:30
Still more to learn...I look forward to learning more.