I figure Speed Cameras are everywhere, you can't escape them, every state government falls in love with the easy and often inexpensive revenue stream
they bring in for them, I suspect that Tasmania will go the way of Qld and eventually the extreme levels of Victoria, call me a cynical Bastard (Everyone else does
But the Bean Counters love the Cash, so more and more Cameras get rolled out, all under the bullshit lie that it is for our safety.
I can understand Cameras being used in residential areas, or Schools for example, but you never see them there, they are nearly always on long, flat pieces of road
and highways with a little to no history of accidents, but in a location that even a small distraction will cause a big speeding fine.
I can only hope they don't go down the path that Queensland is currently speeding down, that they focus on speed to the Detriment of all other road safety issues.
People have said that I should write letters, I have done that, I have sent Emails to Politicians and Government Departments, I have even approached the Politicians
when they are out pretending they are your friend in the Shopping centers and I keep getting the same formulaic response, it's not about revenue raising, it's about saving lives.
So I have decided to stop giving a shit about this Dumb State and move on.
And I'll keep an eye out for those pesky Subaru Foresters!