Posted on Ducati Northwest bulletin board a few hours ago. Herb has been a fixture in the Northwest Ducati mechanic world for 11+ years given my own experiences.
Via Dave / Eastside a few hours ago:Herb Varin's last week at Eastside Motosports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is of great pain I have to even say this but Herb Varin has decided to pull up stakes and move on. This will be his last week w/ us here at Eastside, his last day is Friday.
If any of you out there are in the area and want to drop on by and say something to him this would be the week to do it. He wont even be in the area or even Washington state anymore so this really is the last time most people will get to see him unless you go to him in California.
For those of who will be asking questions on line here I wont go into the details as to the why of his decision, but want everybody who he has befriended in this small Ducati community to know about his moving on. During this week if you cant make it by to say farewell you can reach him at