ah, you can always tell the newbies....let the search box be your friend.
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=35836.0http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=11541.0http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=34449.0I just chopped 3 inches off my high-mount termis this week.
most folks use an electric chopsaw, but I didn't have one, so used an electric mitresaw. It was a smaller one, so I had to be real careful and make 2 cuts.
anyway, tape up where you will be making the cuts, measure and mark it carefully. and wear gloves and a mask b/c carbon fibre dust and splinters are nothing to fark with. you definitely want to use some sort of electric saw. metal blade would be good b/c you have thin steel core in the pipes. after taking off the rivets, the cap won't want to come off on its own, so use a rubber mallet to kind of coax it off a little bit at a time.
read the other threads and you will know what to do. just double check what you are doing and work slowly and carefully and you will be golden.